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This is not the date I expected

Mew thought as he look at Gulf in a hospital bed. Mew rushed to the hospital once Gulf lost consciousness, he also called Win who, fortunately, is in hospital too.

"He'll be fine na Phi" Win said trying to comfort the other

"I know he will" Mew mumbles

And silence, no one dares to talk, Perth, where picked up by his cousin Pleum and Mew, refuses to leave Gulf's side. Gulf has been sleeping for 4 hours, the doctor said he's fine no major injury or the need to operate, though they did check his ct scan just to make sure they're not missing anything.

*Knock knock* The sound of knocking breaks their silence

"Win I rush here when I got your text," Gulf's Auntie said as he enter the room "How's he?" She asked as he sit next to Gulf caressing his head

"He's fine now, we're just waiting for him to wake up" Win answered "Uhm auntie this p'Mew, Gulf's boss, Khun Phi krub this is Gulf's auntie, auntie May"

"Nice to meet you ma'am" Mew waii at the older women

"Nice to meet you too Khun lu" she smiled

"I'm sorry I let this happen" Mew was genuinely upset but the older woman just shake his head and smile at her

"It's not your fault son"

"That's what I told him," Win said rolling his eyes

"I heard you've been taking good care of Gulf"

"I'm just doing my job ma'am "

"Just call me auntie"

"K-krub auntie"

And silence once again

The only noise that can be heard is the ticking of the clock. And maybe Mew's thought. He's feeling a lot of feelings, worried, stressed, and sad, but mostly confused. The last words Gulf said are making him confused.

<Flashback 4 years ago>

"I don't know why you don't like coffee" Type asked as he sit next to Mew

"I just don't like it, and thank you very much for this tea" he replied kissing Type's forehead

" Why though? "

" It's bitter"

Type scoffed at that answer " so does that tea"

Mew can't help but chuckle at that remarks

Mew can't help but think about those old times. Type knows he doesn't like coffee, even now but right now coffee is the only thing that actually keeping him from locking himself back in his room

Mew sits next to Gulf and holds his hand, caressing it trying his best not to think of the past, only of the person he cares for in Infront of him

Mew was about to fall asleep when he felt a movement

"Gulf ?" He calls, he looks at his hands to see if it's actually Gulf moving or him imagining it


Gulf let out a groan of pain as he slowly tries to open his eyes

"W-wait a minute love, I'll call a doctor" Mew panicked a little as he went out and call the doctor

On the other hand, Win wakes up as he hears Mew shout. He jolted up and went to his best friend's side to see if he was actually awake

"Gulf ?" He calls "you okay buddy?" He asked as he look at Gulf who rolls his eyes "still sassy"

Someone like you {MewGulf} *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now