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Happy, That's what Gulf has been feeling since he woke up earlier. Reason? No one know, he just feel happy today

It's his second day at his new work, currently, he is walking to the cafe he know and surprisingly his new boss favorite cafe, according to P'Yihwa

"P'Earth good morning na krub" Gulf greet the man at the counter

"Nong Gulf, what are you doing here?" The cute guy asked with a smile

"Don't you miss me phi?" Gulf playfully asked with a pout

"Of course I do"

Gulf smile at the older. Cooheart cafe is a pretty famous cafe not only in Thailand but also in other parts of Asia, with its cute concept and delicious dessert and drink, of course, everyone will love it and Gulf happened to work part-time at the said cafe before he got a full-time job at his previous company. Earth Katsamonat Namwirote is the owner of the said cafe, not only his cute he also bubbly, friendly and caring type of person.

"So I heard your working at the Jongcheevevat now"

"I do, aren't I fortunate to be hired among hundreds of people applying for this job"

"Okay, okay but seriously why are you here?"

"I heard Mr.Suppasit like your black coffee here, so can I have one"

"You know to be specific Mew like Espresso " Earth said

"You know him?" Gulf asked, stunned "Also a latte phi"

Stupid, of course, he knows him, Suppasit is the name everyone know

"Everyone knows him" Earth rolled his eyes "Remember Kao? He and him where business partner, I'm also friendly with his friend, Fluke"

"Wait, does that mean you know Mr.Suppasit ex-lover?"

"I do"

"Do I really look like him?" Gulf asked

Earth looks at him from toe to head before nodding

"But why didn't you say anything?"

"Honestly, you two do look alike, but I still think you two have a lot of differences to finally say that you two are look alike"


"Type is taller, more masculine, he has shorter hair than you, I think your lips are thinner than him and don't get me started on the habit"

"Phi how do you know him that much?"

"I've been friends with him and Fluke since middle school, he was actually the reason I meet P'Kao."

"He's gone now right na Phi?"

"He is" Earth faintly smile while looking at Gulf  "But knowing him, I know he wouldn't like me to be, none of his friend. So I don't have any choice but to move on and just make him my guide or something"

"I'm sorry Phi"

"Hey, hey now, It's been 2 years I know, I mean, I hope everyone that is close to him has moved on already"

Gulf knows how was it, losing someone you love, care, and trust on, losing someone who is dear to you. It does hurt, but just like what Earth has said, we should move on and just make them our guide

"Here's you're espresso and latte"

After paying Earth, Gulf said goodbye and went to the company building, and just like P'Yihwa has said its only 5 minutes walk from there

"Good morning" Gulf greet the guard then the receptionist

Arriving at his office, Gulf starts to take out the things he needs and proceed to his work. Currently, the latter was busy still understanding some papers he needs to understand

Someone like you {MewGulf} *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now