Not a Date

540 28 10

Gulf was spacing out

He's been looking at the look to hit 12. No, not that he is excited about their so-called "date". It's because it's lunch, yeah lunch.

This is not the first time you two have lunch together

Gulf told himself

Well this is the first time you have a 'lunch date' after Phi'Mew confess

With that though Gulf can't help but blush more.

Gulf slapped himself gently, shaking his head

stop acting like a high schooler, you are 23 years old for god sake

Gulf scold himself. Taking a deep breath Gulf to lean into his desk

"A penny for you though" 

Gulf jolt up as he hears Mew's voice from his door

"O-oh it's nothing, just- uhm just work stuff" Gulf blabbered letting out an awkward smile, which Mew find cute.

"Oh well, Perth message me, told me he is done for the day, so should we head out?" Mew asks

"Oh y-yes sure, wait a sec," Gulf said fixing his things and grabbing his wallet and phone, two things he thinks he only needs

The two walk out of the office with Mew leading. With Gulf, obvious flustered Mew can't help but chuckle.

Walking to the parking lot Gulf "unconsciously" making a space between his boss and him

Arriving at the car Mew went to the passenger seat and open the for Gulf.

"I can do it" Gulf smiles "T-thank you sir"

Keep it together Gulf

At the School

"DAD !!" Perth shouted from the entrance "P'Gulf" he went in front of the two adults and let out a big smile "P'Gulf thank you for coming, I didn't really thought you would come" you can hear the pout on Perth's tone making Gulf smile

"And why wouldn't I?" Perth smiles at him before hugging him

"Let's go, the both of you" Mew call

Inside the car Perth is leaning in to chat with Gulf

"And so the teacher gave us a hundred score" Perth proudly boasts

"Well that's nice, I know you and your group did a hardwork making 100 your deserving score"

Mew can't help but to smile as he listen to his secretary and son talking about this and that.

The "family" plus Gulf arrived at the mall and Pert is the first to get out leading them here and there

"Where do you guys wanna eat?" Mew ask grabbing his son by the collar

"I want lobster" Perth blurt out

Mew and Gulf looks at him as if he's insane. "W-well lobster it is, let's go" Mew said

To be rich where you can just order a lobster whenever

Gulf sigh at that thought

At the restaurant Gulf can't seems to choose on what he'll be ordering and Mew notices it

"It's okay nong, you can order whatever you want" Mew reassuringly said

"Right Phi, try their Lobster Bisque, for me it's the best" Perth's recommended

Gulf smile at the teenager "Then I'll ne getting Lobster Bisque"

      Skip time

After lunch the 3 decided to roam around before going back.

That's the most delicious soup I ever had

Gulf's thought as he get drag by Perth somewhere

"Arcade, let's go to the arcade Daddy" Pert said as he jump like a little boy pointing at the arcade infront of them

"Are you 8 or 18?" Mew rolled his eyes as he follow his son insde the arcade

After buying some token the father and son duo start playing together while Gulf just watch them fondly

They look so cute together

Like a happy family

Gulf laugh as Perth's accuses his dad for cheating

To be part of them

*Pak*(sorry I dunno how to write sound effect ><)

Gulf gets hit by the ball after a player accidentally throw it wrong way flying it back up

"GULF !!" Mew shout as he went to Gulf's aid

Mew see as Gulf stamble back blinking

"Gulf are you okay" He ask as he put his arms around Gulf helping him up "hey hey nong you good?"

Gulf vision became blury and he can't focus as he try to shake away the pain he feel from being hit

"When..." Gulf mumble and Mew listen "you like coffee?" Then black

Mew just stand there as the Perth call an ambulance

When did I like coffee? Mew thought does he know I don't like coffee.......before? But how?

Mew look at the pass out Gulf too many questions in his head

This is not the date I intend to


Y'all still reading this? Didn't proof read it so sorry for grammatical error and misspellings

Vote Seventeen on VMAS hehe thank you

Someone like you {MewGulf} *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now