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For three days Mew and Gulf work not far from the hotel they currently staying it has been nice weather not until they have to go home

Rain starts pouring halfway on their trip home and now they're stuck in the middle of nowhere, gas no more, raining cats and rain and of all time both their phone is dead

Mew can't help but groan as he looks at outside nothing to see but darkness

"The news said it won't rain today though" Gulf said also looking out

"We're out of gas, our phone is dead and currently we're in the middle of nowhere" Mew rant

"I think staying at the hotel is better, doesn't it?" Mew said

"Yeah, but either way we won't arrive at Bangkok today"

The two became silent as the rain gets louder making Mew curse inside his head. Gulf, on the other hand, is calm looking out as if he'll see something

"I don't know where we currently at, but I remember there's a motel somewhere in here," Gulf said still looking out

The gulf is looking out to know if that motel is somewhere over here

Mew thought looking at Gulf

"Shall we check?"

"But if it isn't then we'll just get wet"

"Well, it's better than nothing right? I have an umbrella at the back, we can bring our phone and wallet then leave everything here" Mew said taking out his phone wallet and other important things "I think will take an interest on some random files"

But those files are into

Gulf thought

"Do we have plastic? Let's just put this in the plastic so it won't get wet"

Gulf do what Mew said and put their things in the plastic bag that used to be the plastic of their food earlier while Mew search for the umbrella

"Let's wait for a little before going out, at this case umbrella will be useless" Mew said looking at the pouring rain outside

"I really like rain" Gulf unconsciously said "I mean not the type of us getting stranded" He corrected

Gulf always feels this kind of relaxing and nostalgic feeling every time it rain maybe because there's always a good thing when it rain, not today though. He remembers meeting Win after raining in his hometown, he remembers his dad giving him a bike after raining, he also meets that kid after the rain

Maybe there's something good will happen after the rain


"Ah stupid rain" Win groan as he looks outside

Win stay at Earth's cafe to study, and since he can't move freely he decided to eat his lunch and even dinner there and now that he decided to go home it has to rain

"You won't get home at this state, wait for me to close the cafe I'll drop you off" Earth calling making Win look at him with twinkling eyes

"You're an angel you know that Phi," Win said walking to Earth by the counter

"Yeah yeah, I'm gonna be your babysitter anyway," Earth said making Win grin

"You know Phi, I really love you and I will treat once I got out of this cast"

"Whatevs, just sit still we have an hour left until closing time"

"Need any help?" Win ask walking behind the counter

Someone like you {MewGulf} *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now