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Gulf was currently on his way to the company to meet his boss and his boss's driver. Gulf can't help but stare at Mew for this is the first time he saw Mew in a casual wear

He looks good even better with casual clothes

"Good morning Khun, Phi" he waii at the two who waii back

"Let's go, We need to meet Khun Sam before dinner"

Gulf can't help but blush as he stares more at Mew on his casual look, good thing Mew didn't notice. Or he just being oblivious about it

The driver opens the door for Mew while Gulf sit in front.

"We will visit the site tomorrow then later tonight you have dinner with one of our shareholder" Gulf said reading Mew's schedule "Khun Sam insists on staying with us during those days so.... yeah"

"After this project what we will be doing next?" Mew asked

"Well you have status update meeting with Director Nattapol"

"Khun Max?" The driver suddenly asked, "But aren't he taking care of the company in the US?"

"That's true, but I guess he want to keep updated in what happening here"

Gulf who looked confused stay silent

"P'Max is one of my cousins, he's P'Yihwa brother, he is one of the Board of director" Mew said making Gulf nod

(Just so you know guys I don't have the slightest clue about positions in a company, so free to correct me)

"You're family seems to be more calm compare to others, right Khun?" Gulf can't help but remark that

Mew and the driver let out a chuckle as the nod in agreement

"Our family is more open-minded and more obedient(?) when it comes to family rule," Said Mew

"Khun Mew family has a rule that every first male of the family is the one to take care of the family company," the driver said "It's what Khun Somsak want, and his child follow, helping their younger brother, Mew's dad, handle the company"

"You seem to really know the Jongcheevevat na Phi?" Gulf chuckled

"You don't know Gulf, Phi here know my family rules and all more than me" Mew also let out a chuckle

"That is because even before your grandpa became the founder of the company, him and my dad has been a friend," Phi said with a matter of the fact tone

"Right Phi, can you really drive until we reach Chiang Mai?" Gulf asked feigning concern "We could take turns" Gulf added

"It's okay na Nong, It's just 7-8 hours drive, I used to drive further" Phi laughed

"Well then, just tell me if you want a turn" Gulf smiled

"It's really okay, I really enjoy driving far so don't worry"


The trio arrived at Chiang Mai earlier than expected. Gulf and Mew greet the hotel manager before going to their respected room

"Would you like yo rest first or meet with Khun Sam now?" Gulf asked as they enter the elevator

"Give me 10 minutes rest then I'll meet up with Khun Sam," Mew said "What about you Phi? You can eat dinner with us, or you and Gulf can eat together" Mew asked their driver

"I'm fine na Khun Nong, I want to rest first," the driver said with a smile

Phi really liked to smile doesn't he

Someone like you {MewGulf} *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now