Protect you

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"So you're staying in Chiang Mai for 3 days with the boss?" Bas asked Gulf

The two were currently at the cafe on the ground floor of the building for a coffee

"It's faster that way, Khun has many more things to finish and he wants to finish it all before the party, so yeah, we're rushing things," Gulf said taking his order

"Well that's true, anyway wanna eat lunch together?" Bas asked

"If I finish my work let's eat together" Gulf smile

"Okie, well I'll head back first"

"Krub" Gulf watched as his senior leave

This is will be my first out of town work

Sighing, Gulf take his frappe and went back to his office to finish his work. Gulf tale a sit, leaning his back and letting out a sigh, he can't help but think about the box

I'm desperate, I want to crack it open but the guilty feeling is preventing me for that to happen

Letting out another sigh, Gulf stretches before letting out another sigh

"That's a lot of sighing" Mew suddenly said making Gulf jolt

"Khun?" He said holding his heart "I almost got a heart attack" He pant

"Sorry, sorry" Mew grinned "Your heart?"

"It's fine, anyway is there anything you want?" Gulf asked, finally calm down

"Nothing in particular just wanna remind you tomorrow I'll pick you up at 8" Mew reminds

"Ah right Phi, are you gonna drive?"

Mew shook his head no "My driver will drive us, so basically there'll three of us in that three days business trip"

Gulf nod in understanding and start writing down something in his notebook

"I already called the hotel, I'll call them again later to tell them we will take 3 room as you said Khun"

"Right, You know I'm quite hesitant about our leave tomorrow and our leave in 3 days"

"Why khun?"

"I heard there might be thunderstorms within this week so...."

"Ah you're right"

The two then became silent

"Well, let's just hope it won't be that bad," Mew said standing up

I hope it won't rain on the day we leave


"So what time do you leave?" Win asked as he lay on Gulf bed eating lays while Gulf is packing

"8 in the morning"

"So early!!!" Win mumbled making Gulf roll his eyes

"Why are you even here??" Gulf asked closing his bag before sitting next to Win

"Imma sleepover my friend" Win smile widely showing his bunny teeth


"Why not?" Win asked back

"I really hate you every time you answer my question with another question" Gulf said making Win shrug

"Anyway my friend, you should grab this chance to know more about P'Mew"

"Why do I need to know him more than I know him right now?"

"I mean to know his type, his hobby or anything"


"I'm really getting pissed at the way you answer me," Win said his face turning poker face

*sigh* "I don't like Khun Mew, okay? I don't even swing that way" Gulf remarked which

"Everyone in this story is gay, especially you"

Gulf looked at his friend as if Win just grew another head or something

"Where did you get that?"

"It's obvious duh" Win sassed "Anyway, let's not talk about your secret feeling with your boss"

"I don't have a feeling for my boss, why do you even pushing me to him?"

"Yeah, yeah and I'm a unicorn" Win sassed once again ignoring the question "Anyway, that box, are you sure the one that has the key is here in Bangkok?" Win asked

"I remember telling him that I will visit him in Bangkok once I grew up"

"Well, Imma smush that box if we turn 30 and we haven't found the owner" Win remarked

Gulf only sigh as he looks at the box, caressing the flower pattern on it

"Hey Win"

Win hummed as an answer

"Are you sure you don't remember me showing you a picture of me and my friends?"

"Nope" he answered dropping the "p"


Win blinked a few times as the two became quite. The both of them knew the reason why, but to Gulf point of view he just wants to remember while to Win point of view it's like adding salt to a wound, to Gulf's wound

"Because they're a weak a*shole" Win boldly answered

Gulf let out a chuckle as he remembers how Win is before

"Win, why do they don't want to play with me?" A 10 years Gulf sobbed as Win glare at the four boys playing while comforting the crying Gulf

"That's because they're weak" A 9 years old Win answered

"Weak?" Gulf sniffed

"Cai, they are weak because they can't protect you and help you," Win said "You also shouldn't play with them, if they don't want to be friends with you then I'll be your friend, I'm strong, you should befriend with strong people who can protect you" Win added

"Are you really strong?" Gulf chuckled as he wiped his nose with the hem of his sweater

"Of course I'm strong, If you got sick again I can take care of you Phi" Win smile widely making Gulf laugh "What's funny?" Win pout

"Nothing" Gulf smile "Thank you"

"You should be happy you meet me," Win said

"Yeah, yeah, I'm happy I have a strong friend like you Ai'Win" Gulf teased making Win's cheek turn crimson

"W-what I'm strong" He stuttered "I will always help you every time you are sick"

Gulf only smiles as Win hides his face under the pillow.

"I'm sleeping here, you sleep on the couch"

"Fine, Good night my strong friend" Gulf teased more

"Yeah yeah yeah"

Gulf chuckle as Win cover himself with the blanket

How cute


Is it short guys??? I'm sorry, I don't actually have a plan on updating since today is my Birthday. It's currently June 24 in my country. So what date is this update in your country?? I'm actually afraid that it might affect my writing so sorry!!!

What do you think of today's chapter???

Someone like you {MewGulf} *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now