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"Hey, auntie when did my heartbeat in irregular phase?"

Gulf asked his auntie who was currently watching a lakorn that make the old women turn to him

"While you were in a coma, why?" Her voice is completely worried

"Nothing, just want to know if this damaged heart is still damaged"

"Hey now, that damage heart your calling is the reason why I have a handsome nephew whining about his heart" Auntie smile sweetly making Gulf eyes teary

"Sometimes I feel okay but most of the times I don't"

"Have you having a hard time to breath again?"

"No it's's.. you know I can have a normal daily life but I still can't do things"

"You can do things, you just need to be careful. You can play, you can eat, you can do everything but with cautious"

There was a long pause after that. It's quite common already when Gulf feels helpless because of his limitations of everything meaning his auntie knows how to comfort him. Even though it's not that risky he still has a lot of things not to do or not to eat that make him feel like a little down or helpless

"What about a transplant, auntie"

Auntie's eyes widened as she hears his nephew talking

"Now that I'm in Bangkok, there might be a compatible heart for me now, right?" The enthusiasm of Gulf voice make his auntie's heartbreak

"Transplant?" She asks in a shaky voice "I want it too, but It's risky after the incident"

Gulf sit next to his auntie

"I don't want to risk you, you're the only family I have now, you're heart is okay even with arrhythmia but if you really having a hard time then I'll consider"

Gulf suddenly feel guilty about suggesting that. He doesn't really want transplant but he suddenly think of things he can do with a new heart

"Hey auntie it's okay, I'm talking nonsense but really I also don't want to do it anyway"

Gulf hugs his auntie tightly. After calming his auntie Gulf went to his room. After taking a quick bath and change into comfier clothes he then lay down by his bed

Tonight is the same night, tossing, turning here and there. It was one of the nights where sleep is hiding and Gulf is having a hard time to find it

Gulf was about to grab his sleeping pills but stopped

Read, I should read

Gulf takes the paper bag that was been sitting in his beanie bag since yesterday. After taking the book he was about to throw the bag away but stopped only to see another book and just by that he can't help but to curse

Ai'sat Win you really want to die?

Gulf glare at the book


Shaking his head he put the book in the drawer before taking the other to read

I should remind myself to smack Win

Gulf then relaxes as he starts reading. After an hour or so sleep seem like you don't want to be found. Gulf finish reading a chapter or two but he still can't sleep

It's a long night ahead of me, I guess


"Queen Yihwa in the house" Yihwa announces as he enters the dining room

Someone like you {MewGulf} *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now