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Just Wanna say sorry in advance for a lame chapter.


"Do you really have to take him?"

"I already finish our project, I can come home early and take care of chopper" Perth said

"Fine, come in first" Yihwa open the door wider to let his nephew enter

As soon as Perth enter his Auntie's apartment a 7 years old Pomeranian dog came running to his lap making him laugh at the overly excited dog

"Chopper did you have fun here?" He asked hugging the dog

"So You'll be in charge of the anniversary party of the company next month?"

"Finally right? I have to thank your dad for giving me this job" Yihwa said handing Perth a glass of juice

"Will it be a masquerade party?"

"Of course, I might meet the one, I want it to be romantic"

"What if Uncle Tay is right"

Yihwa face dropped as hear his nephew's word

"No one side me in this family, I hate you all" She dramatically said

Perth let out a giggle

"We'll be going the" Perth stand up holding chopper putting on his leash

"Here," Yihwa said handing him a money making Perth looked at her confusedly

"I know you have a gold card, but use this to treat your cousin"

"How did you know they're here"

Yihwa rolled his eyes

"I know the four of you always go together wherever, also tell them to visit me I been feeling lonely"

"Aww my poor auntie" Yihwa glare at his nephew teasing

"Well, we'll take our leave now, say buy Chopper," Perth said

Perth and Chopper leave the building

"Auntie gave me money let's eat somewhere," Perth said as he enters the car sitting beside Frank

"Let's eat dessert at P'Earth place" Frank suggests

Perth, Pluem, Nanon, and Frank is staying in Thailand compare to their other cousin who decided to leave and study abroad

Arriving at the cafe, Chopper run off as soon as Perth open the door making the four younger hurry and chase the dog

"Chopper hey stop" Perth shout as they chase the dog "Chopper" Perth heart fastened as chopper continue running even after the light turn green

"No, chopper!!!"


Perth feels his heart stop as a car almost hit his precious dog but let out a relieved sigh before smiling as he sees his dog completely fine

Everyone's eyes were on the accident. Fortunately, a stranger caught chopper before the dog got hit

"Thank you Phi, thank you so much," Perth said as he hugs his dog "Bad dog, you don't run away like that, why did you even run away?" Perth scold the dog with a teary eye

"Hey nong are you okay, here," the kind stranger said handing him a handkerchief

Perth look at the handkerchief before hesitantly take it wiping his tears

"Bad dog chopper" Perth continues scolding the dog. Pluem, Nanon, and Frank finally catch up and start comforting the younger

"Thank you for saving our dog," Pluem said to the stranger

Someone like you {MewGulf} *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now