New Beginning

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A month later

P'Mew you're graduation is next week,right?" Fluke said sitting next to Mild who's busy eating


"Then, you will be the next CEO of the Jongcheveevat Corporation" Bright look at the older who shrugged his shoulder as an answer

"Actually I'm having a second thought about taking care of the company" Mew sighed

His friend's focus was on him as they wait for his explanation(?)

"I'm only 24 I don't know if I can manage such big responsibility"

"Nonsense, phi do not underestimate yourself, so what if you're still young?" Fluke huffed making Mild nod his head in agreement

"You know Mew as far as I know you are the smartest student in you're faculty, right ai'bright?" Mild nudge the younger shoulder

Mew just look at his friends as they continue to eat

It's been two months since Type left him and a month since he slowly trying to move one, and it's been hard for him to do so, every part of the university remind him of his Type. But he was thankful for his friends to stay by his side he is thankful for them to understand him.

For one month Mew busy himself by catching up with their lesson so that he can graduate, beside from catching up with their lesson he also start being an intern on his dad's company, and soon he'll graduate.

"Do you have work today?" Ohm who's been silent asked the older who nod "Are you okay to drive today?"

"I'm fine Ohm, don't worry about me na" Mew let out a smile "Fluke don't you have an afternoon class?" Fluke nod "It's already 1:30 go to your class"

Fluke again nod and grab his bag saying goodbye to his Phi's

The four look at Fluke walking away

"Fluke haven't sleeping alone" Mild whisper "He usually call me at midnight asking random question, I start crashing at his place a month ago and I would see him or hear him crying to his sleep"

"Compare to us Fluke is much more close to Type since their cousin, it must have been hard for him" Bright added

"Mew show him that you'll be okay, show him that you're strong, show him that his effort is worth it, Fluke always smile but he also have a limitation" Ohm pat Mew's shoulder


"Hey, it's been a month" Mew run his hand at the tomb smiling "I been trying, trying to move on from you, they say I should forget about you but how can I forget the someone who love me?"

"I know you don't want me to blame myself and I'm trying to, you're cousin, Fluke, has been helping me with it, I know that you will always look out for me from wherever you are" Mew sit next to his tomb

"I'm graduating soon, well us actually, but you left me I'm not blaming you okay, but I never thought I'll graduate without you, I never thought that I'll be achieving our dream by myself, but I guess that how it suppose to be don't you think? I'll be a CEO soon"

Mew look at the tomb caressing it once again as he let his tears roll down his cheek "I love you, you know? You're so unfair leaving me alone, but I promise you that I'll continue living, I will continue and achieve my dream making you my inspiration"He sniffled quietly, tears threatening to spill from his eyes.

Someone like you {MewGulf} *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now