2 Years Later

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"Gulf, wake up, Win is here already" A middle-aged woman gently shake his nephew

"Leave it to me, auntie," A voice of a younger man said "Babe here I come" he shout as he jump over his sleeping friend

Grunting Gulf push his friend of him making his friend fall out of the bed, sitting up he glare at his friends who give him a sweet smile.

"What the f, Win" Gulf groaned

"Well you won't wake up"

Auntie chuckle make the two younger lad look at her "Alrighty boys, let's have breakfast"

Still throwing dagger at Win, Gulf get up and went to the kitchen with his auntie, followed by a snickering Win

Gulf Kanawut has been living with his auntie in Bangkok for a year already. Gulf loses his parents in a car accident 7 months ago, fortunately, he survived after a half-year being in a coma. During his first year, Gulf find it difficult to adjust, thanks to his friend he adjusts quite well now

"So the company you currently working at, shut down?" Win asked his friends

"Unfortunately yes"

"You, my friend is jobless" Win said

"Thanks for stating the obvious, bunny" Gulf rolled his eyes and glare at his friends

"Well it's your lucky day"

That said, both Gulf and auntie look at him confusedly

"The company my dad working for as an attorney is looking for a secretary"

"Secretary?" Gulf asked

"You're dad is working for what company again?" Auntie asked


*cough *cough*

Auntie cough abruptly making the two lad worry. Gulf gives his auntie water which the woman drink before coughing, lightly this time while Win rub circle on it's back

"What's wrong auntie?" Gulf worriedly asked his auntie

"No, it's just...why look for a secretary? didn't Mr. Jongcheevevat have a secretary"

"Didn't you know yet auntie? He's som is the new CEO of the Jongcheevevat"

"Really? Since when?" The auntie looked surprise hearing the news

"2 years ago"

"Why didn't I know that?"

"You know them, auntie?" Gulf asked looking at his auntie

"Cai, auntie and uncle used to work there"

"Wait, really auntie?" Win eyes went "0" as he lool at the woman

"I and my husband is part of the marketing team"

"If that so, what kind of boss are they, auntie, I heard that they're the kindest one"

"They really are one"


"Well, there's a typical CEO who everyone feared, but our CEO was loved by everyone, he like cracking jokes whether it's a formal meeting or just simple gathering, he also like giving his employees a second chance, Ohh how glad will I be if you get the job"

Hearing that from his auntie Gulf suddenly feel pressured, he knows that his auntie would be really happy if he did get the job

"But auntie what kind of company is the Jongcheevevat's?"

Someone like you {MewGulf} *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now