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Mew and Gulf wake up early to start their day, the rain has stopped and their car is full and ready to go.

Mew was thankful that the owner of the motel is kind, drying their clothes, letting them use their phone, and even giving them fuel.

"Let's have breakfast first," Mew said looking for a restaurant where they can have their breakfast "Where do you wanna eat?"

"I'm fine with anything" Gulf answered with a yawn

"You can take a day off once we got back," Mew said

"Uh it's okay na Khun," Gulf said making Mew chuckle

"It's okay, my cousin is back from his vacation and I have Bass to help me with things"


"No more buts, I know you're tired-"

"But so are you"

"Don't worry about me, I'm used to this, besides its only one day" Mew insisted "P'Yihwa will keep emailing you though" that statement made Gulf laugh

"I keep telling P'Yihwa that I have no idea on how to prepare a party but she keeps asking me this and that" He chuckled and so does Mew

"It's a masquerade theme, you should prepare your suit and mask"

"Now that you mention it Khun, what about your suit?"

"Ah, you're right! I have to get measured for my suit and so does Perth" Mew exclaimed "Then can you come with me tomorrow?"

Gulf look at Mew whose eye is on the road

"I know I know, I said it's your day off, you can decline if you want, it does not even work"

"Then I'll come" Gulf smiled

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I wanna see Perth too"

When did they become close?

Mew mentally question

"What time?"

"Maybe after lunch" Mew answered

"Do you want me to message the stylist for appointments?"

"No need to be formal, the stylist is one of my grandma's friend"

"Oh okay"


"In the bar where we first met, are you a regular their? I think now since I'm always their like literally every night, even school night, it just their DJ and drink is so cool and the interior design is so lit then-"

"Do you ever shut up?" Bright glared as he interrupts Win from talking

Win is currently at the hospital to get his ankle check and it happened his doctor today will be Bright since Mild is out and for the past 30 minutes he has been talking nonstop

"Well yeah of course I do" Win answered with a nod "I mean I do sleep which I don't speak, where I stay shut" Win smiled making Bright sigh out of annoyance

"You're no fun" Win pout

"Your ankle is doing good, don't walk too much, don't wet the cast, and just be careful. If you follow those it will heal in no time" Bright told him

"You know for a pretty cold person like you, you are a good doctor" Win stated making Bright look at him nonchalantly

"You can leave now" Bright just said shooing him off

Someone like you {MewGulf} *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now