"Ugh why me?"

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It was the middle of the night and everyone was asleep except Lizzie. Every night she would sneak out to feed because she thought that if no one saw it no one will question her or look at her like she is some type of monster maybe she didn't want Ethan to see her like that. Every time Lizzie was finished she would walk back and overthink about how this was Hope's fault and why did Hope leave and why did she leave without bringing her dad back. There was so much she could think about but she didn't Lizzie would never admit it but feeding is the only time she doesn't think a lot and have bad emotions that was her favorite time of the day. She walked in the front door trying to tiptoe back to her room without getting caught then she realized she could just use her vamp speed to go in her room faster "Duh." She said to    herself then quickly hold her mouth but decided not to waste much more time. After vamping to her room she took her shoes off and threw them in her bin and hopped on her bed. She tried going to sleep but she couldn't she looked over to the bed next to her and Josie popped up in her head. Lizzie was still mad that Josie found a better school when she was suppose to leave only to fix Hope she was suppose to be back by now but that never happened. She tried blaming that one on Hope but couldn't because then she would remember her big fight with Josie when she found out Lizzie was a heretic. It was the worst fight they ever had and really hasn't talked since tears were at the center of Lizzie's eyes but she wiped them away as fast as she could "No, just go to sleep don't think about all of that." Then turned to her other side then eventually she fell sleep. In the morning Lizzie could hear everyone getting up going to get breakfast she groaned because all she wanted was sleep but that didn't last long. Ethan knocked on the door "Go away!" Lizzie yelled putting a pillow over her head "Are you coming to breakfast." Lizzie groaned again "No!" She didn't want to be mean to Ethan but he has nonstop keep bugging her and even though she likes the attention something just makes her want to stay in bed all day. Lizzie got up and siphoned the wall to lock the door with a spell because with her vampire hearing Mg and Cleo were planning to come and get her and she was pissed. Before she went back to bed the door knocked again which made Lizzie groaned louder she knew they wouldn't go away so she thought she might as well go through the pain. The door flew wide open "What the hell do you peasants want?" You can tell by her face that she was angry and that was the face you usually have to ignore. "I am sorry Lizzie but we need-" before Mg can finish Lizzie raised her hand up "No it was her choice to leave and I am fine actually I am happy about it." She was about to slam the door in their faces but Cleo stopped it "When you get dressed can we talk in the library." It took Lizzie a minute to think about it then she rolled her eyes and said "Fine, I will hear what you have to say but I can promise you I won't agree with it." Then slammed the door in their faces and smiled trying to hide the face that she knew she was going to lose the argument. "It took you a hour to get ready." Lizzie just smiled walking down the steps like a princess "Cleo you can't rush success." Cleo crossed her arms and let out a obvious sigh then they got to talking "Hope said she was done with this city and done with us but that was our first clue." Mg pulled out a photo of him and Hope "She cared about all of and she wouldn't just leave like that." Caleb walked over to Mg and even though they were still not close like they were he put his arm around him"Your right she did but she also loved Landon and he is gone so maybe she feels like there is nothing here anymore." Mg didn't want to believe that but his eyes told a different story. Lizzie plumped in a chair "Why is Caleb here anyway." Caleb scoffed "Seriously." Lizzie shrugged her shoulders "He is part of the super squad." Cleo said trying to calm herself.
"Guys can I talk to Lizzie by myself?" They nodded and head out Mg walked closer to Lizzie. "Please Hope is our friend and I know you care about her." Lizzie looked away because she knew it was true "Ugh why me why out of all the people she won't listen to me and I don't care about her." She crossed her arms in a pouty way "If you didn't care about her you wouldn't have stayed with her after you transitioned." Lizzie hold her breath "She didn't let me go." She knew that was a lie but she tried to keep it together "Please Lizzie if you care for me and for this school you would go bring her home." Lizzie almost had a tear come but stopped herself finally she let up and groaned "Fine I will but I am taking Ethan's truck." Mg sighed "Ok I will ask."
"No leave that to me." She said smiling

Wanted:Hope Mikaelson and Lizzie SaltzmenWhere stories live. Discover now