More than one

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Lizzie was really bad off but she wanted to hear Lena's story or she had no choice.
Lena looked like she was hurting thinking about her past.
"Anyway Lets get into it shall we?" She signaled one of her men to bring in a blood bag for Lizzie. Lena put the blood bag up to Lizzie's mouth and helped her take a sip till Lizzie could hold the bag on her own.
"There you go get you energy to listen to my story."
Lizzie was almost done drinking which to her it wasn't enough she wanted more.
"John and I met in New Orleans when the Mikaelsons were running the streets after my mom died. He told me he knew one of them personally one of the oldest Elijah. I was sad and angry I lost the only person who loved me and wanted the best for me because of Hope's mother. John comforted me through it that was when I fell in love he became the second person to ever care and love me. He told me his past with Elijah and why he hated them that was when we worked together to plan their destruction."
Lizzie was invested in the story but a little anxious of what was coming next.
"They were best friends who had each others back. Even he got along with Klaus for most of their friendship but then Klaus's paranoid heart he thought John was gonna steal his brother from him so they left him in a worst position at that John was hurt after then he got angry and he hated Klaus." Lizzie started to laugh but with that she started to cough.
"Poor baby got his heart broken so what does that have to do with me?" Lena didn't seemed to be bothered by the fact Lizzie was making fun of John but wanted to finish the rest off the story.
"We both didn't attack on first hand we took it slow and plan it right. Well we both saw how much they cared for their daughter more then they cared about themselves that was when I realized I have to take her away. I basically I grew up with her I followed her here and I saw the three of you fighting pointless monsters for a pointless boy." Lizzie was still hungry but held on for her life to listen to this long story.
"Sorry we should get to what you want anyway John saw you for the first time and he liked you  in a way that I couldn't win. We were already married by that point so it made mad because the only reason he was helping me get revenge was for you." Lizzie was speechless her first thought was disgust and kept that feeling. "Ew, isn't he like in his forties but like a long time vampire." Lena looked like she was about to laugh but didn't. "He was nineteen when he turned and that was two hundred years ago your ex boyfriend was older." Lena pulled out a knife it was the same one she stabbed Lizzie with multiple times with vervain. She slowly walked towards Lizzie and leaned down to and whispered "Because I can't have my husband Hope can't have you." She forcibly stabs Lizzie in her thigh that left Lizzie screaming Lena didn't say anything else then she walked out with a smile on her face.
Hope, Josie, and Micah got a hotel that was near Queens. Hope didn't want to she just wanted to get to Lizzie fast as possible but Josie explained to her that they need a set up plan before barging in. Hope said she understood but that was a total lie she waited till Josie and Micah fell asleep to sneak out. Even though she had her mind set to vengeance she could feel the nice breeze on her face and she could see all types of things that aren't in Mystic falls or New Orleans which was a shocking comfort to her. The next thing Hope knew there was a hand on her shoulder she quickly turned around and it was Josie.
"What the hell? You are supposed to be a sleep with Micah." Josie crossed her arms in a serious mood "Micah is still asleep I gave him a couple of knockout snacks so he will still be there when we get back. Now are you gonna tell me what you are doing?" Hope sighs and rolls her eyes "Leave me alone I am going to get Lizzie." Josie pulls her to the bench to sit down
"Hope I thought we planned on being prepared then going in blind." Hope didn't want to listen anymore if she really wanted she could make Josie pass out and leave her there alone but Hope wasn't that mean. "I don't want anything bad to happen to her but Lena is more than angry and will do anything." Josie sits back messing with her thumbs and has a silent tear coming down her cheek Hope notices. "Josie whats wrong?" Josie shakes her head
"She is one step till death."

Wanted:Hope Mikaelson and Lizzie SaltzmenWhere stories live. Discover now