No more lies

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"When are we going to get there?" Lizzie asked looking out the window. John was driving and he could hear Lizzie mumbling. Suddenly out of the blue "Josie!" Lizzie realized she said that out loud and John was smiling at her "Who's Josie?" Lizzie ignored him
She was worried about Josie wondering if she was gonna be at the museum or not.
"You can't sit in silence the whole ride."
She didn't hear him she was to busy thinking about her sister "Hello blondie." That defiantly got Lizzie's attention "Do not call me blondie and I am fine with silence." She went back to thinking about Josie and even a little bit about Hope too. Lizzie fell asleep on the way and John did a gently tap on her shoulder "We are here Blondie." Lizzie yawned "Are we here?"
"Yep lets go." Lizzie hesitated at first "No funny business remember I am still a witch."
He put his arms up and nodded with a laugh. They both got out the car and they heard howling "What is that?" He started running inside the place and Lizzie followed "Hope is gonna be in here!" He screamed Lizzie was focused on finding Hope that was all that matters. They went inside and they saw the cage broken and scattered everywhere. "What happened?" John looked at her frustrated "my wife is in trouble." Lizzie looked at him confused "Wife?" He didn't ignored her and started running to the woods Lizzie was about to follow but she saw Hope's sweater without thinking she grabbed it and used her vamp speed to the woods.
"Hope Andrea Mikaelson!"
She didn't want to walk further in the woods but since there was no sighting of Hope or John she decided to. "Hello anyone!"
She could feel her feet getting tired but still kept going. When Lizzie walked deep in the woods she heard a low growl behind her. Lizzie slowly turned around and it was a wolf a white wolf "Hey don't mind me." Lizzie said cowardly and trying to walk backwards but the wolf was coming closer it took Lizzie a second to put it together.
"Hope is that you?" Lizzie took a deep breath "Of course you won't." She tried coming closer but the wolf jumped up and Lizzie started to run "Please Hope it is me oh my god this is so annoying!" Suddenly Hope stopped and jumped into the bush Lizzie let out a sigh of relief that Hope or the wolf didn't attack her but she was more relieved that Hope was okay.
Lizzie watched the bush when Hope came out full naked "aaaa!" Lizzie turned around fast and covered her eyes "Oh my god ."
Hope rolled her eyes "My sweater."
Lizzie still was covering her eyes trying to get that vision out of her mind "What?"
Hope sighed in impatience "Give me my sweater." Lizzie stuck her arm out with the sweater and Hope yanked it from her. "Are you decent?"
Hope sighed "Yea." Lizzie turned back around and crossed her arms she was about to say something snarky but she saw the bruises on Hope's face and arms, legs.
"What happened?" Hope looked at her and hugged herself
"I will tell you about it later." Lizzie could sense the pain in her voice so she didn't bother to press for more.
"Um we have to stop at the old Sharman museum."
Hope shakes her head "Why?"
Lizzie looked away for a second then looks back at Hope. "I called Josie when you went missing she didn't answer though."
Hope smiled "We can check but I need some clothes." Lizzie nodded and they left
They were back at the motel and Hope got dressed they still didn't talk about what happened but Hope knew Lizzie was really curious. "Are you ready to go?" Hope sat on the bed to think "give me a second." Lizzie sat right by her "Whats wrong?" Hope looked down
"I always meet people that hate my father and I got used to it I mean I know what to expect but this time it was about my mother and it threw me off I guess." Lizzie could tell how upset she was and took her hand "I don't know what to say but I do remember Hayley come around when we were kids . Apart of me was kind of jealous of you." Hope had a confusing smile
"Why were you jealous of me?" Lizzie looked away in embarrassment "I could see how much your mother loves you and really understands you I guess I was jealous of that type of love."
Hope noticed a tear coming down her cheek she wiped it off "I was jealous of your sister bond with Josie so I guess we all have something we want deep inside but can never have." Lizzie smiled and hugged Hope as hard as she can. Lizzie unwrapped from Hope and wiped her tears "Okay lets go get Josie."

Wanted:Hope Mikaelson and Lizzie SaltzmenWhere stories live. Discover now