This isn't the end

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Dark Josie circled around Lena when she did the same.
"Are you gonna throw the first punch." Josie had her hands on her hips waiting patiently.
Lena crossed her arms "you really think I am scared of you." Josie didn't say anything Lena showed her hybrid face and went for Josie but she didn't even flinch but put her hand out and shoot lighting out which it struck Lena down.
"Your nothing against my power why even try?" Josie was trying to rile Lena up which it was working. Hope gave Lizzie a quick kiss on the forehead before sitting her in a chair in the corner. She vamp sped and punched Lena so hard she flew and hit the wall. Hope looks back at Josie "I got this." Then she gave back her attention to Lena "Lecutio!" And lighting from Hope's hand struck Lena she was down Josie walked towards her and was about to kill her but then Hope stopped her.
"Don't we can be better and lock her up to rot." Josie didn't like the plan but she took a deep breath and turned back to real Josie then nodded at Hope. Hope was tying a rope that Lena couldn't escape from behind her and stood her up. "You will desiccate for a eternity for everything you have done." She smiled knowing she finally won what came next was unexpected. Lizzie walked right past the girls and straight to Lena. Her face showed no emotion "this is for hurting my family." Without hesitation she stuck her hand in Lena and grabbed her heart. "Just like your husband." She whispered then pulled it out she dropped it and walked out of there like nothing happened Hope and Josie was shocked at what she did but understood knowing they could've done the same thing. They all went back the bed and breakfast for one more night and got into their pjs Josie fell fast asleep Hope and Lizzie laid in the bed but wasn't they were cuddling keeping each other warm. Lizzie's back was facing Hope but she turned around to look at her since she hasn't clearly seen her face in forever it felt like. Lizzie wanted to look at all the little details on Hope's face see that little smile she makes everything that makes Hope, Hope.
"I missed you so much." She said softly with a tear coming down her cheek Hope took her finger and wiped it off. She brushed Lizzie's strand of hair and tucked it behind her ear.
"Lizzie I was so wrong its because I pushed you away and I lost you at the same time. I don't want to feel like that again like you were dead but I feel alone when I am not in your arms. I don't wanna hide my love for you anymore I won't if we go public about this it will feel a little uncomfortable first but then we will be happy and right now that is what I need. We are Hope and Lizzie of course we are gonna argue but that will just bring us even closer." Lizzie already had red eyes from Hope's speech she put her hand on Hope's cheek and leaned her forehead against hers.
"I love you now and when I hate you I will love then too." Hope smiled 
"No matter where we end up I'll always love you no matter what." Lizzie nodded they cuddled for a little while longer then they fell asleep in each other's arms.
Right when the sun came up they all headed for Mystic Falls they dreaded how many hours they switched driving positions but finally they made it to the school. All holding hands they walked in everybody was standing waiting but Caroline was in front of everybody with a worried look on her face. She ran up to the twins and hugged them tightly and Hope went up to Cleo and Mg giving them a group hug. Once we got settled in Caroline gave them a big lecture how they need to bring her into stuff that happens like this the one thing they left out was Lizzie killing Lena they all panda promise not to tell anyone. On that matter Lizzie did something spontaneous in front of everybody she grabbed Hope's waist and pulled her in giving her a long passionate kiss on the lips it was nice for both of them but then the uncomforted feeling came to the both of them when they saw all the looks on their faces. Lizzie cracked a little smile "surprise." Ethan stormed out and Caroline was speechless for a few minutes then teared up and hugged Lizzie tightly. Josie clapped and cheered them on but got serious then pulled both Hope and Lizzie to the side.
"I need to talk to you both." Hope looks at Lizzie like it was nothing to be worried about.
Josie took a deep breath then teared up but was smiling. "I love you both and I love my life here but I realized how much I miss the academy and I want to check out that witch place out with Micah he promised to take me." The girls were in shock not knowing what to say.
"This is so hard to say goodbye to all of this but it was the hardest to say goodbye to the both of you. Anyway I am not going alone Penelope agreed to come with me we are planning the life we planned a while back ago." Every single of the girls were crying. Lizzie took Josie's arm
"I love you Josie so if you want this I support you all the way I am not going to get in your way this time." Hope wiped her tears
"Yeah, Josie you deserve to be happy so go for it don't waste anytime." Josie nodded and they all hugged it lasted for a little bit then they waved her goodbye as well Penelope. Hope didn't see Lizzie anywhere so she went to find her a few try's later Lizzie was in her room holding a pillow. "Hi this must be hard for you." Lizzie had the faintest giggle then shakes her head "I am actually happy like I have no sadness or anger weighing me down I was sad Josie was leaving but then when I saw her kiss Penelope and had a big smile on her face going to live her life I knew that I could have that with you." She stands up and goes near Hope and takes her hands.
"I do want that with you so if you take me." Hope giggled "You don't have to ask twice." Hope got on her tippy toes and kissed Lizzie on the lips it was slow but quick. Lizzie shakes her head and vamp speeds Hope to the wall and was already taking off her shirt Hope did the same then Lizzie started kissing Hope's neck she let out a small moan then vamp sped Lizzie on the bed. Hope was on top she started kissing her lips then she made it all the way down to her thighs. Lizzie unhooked Hope's bra and Hope unhooked hers they were happy in that moment nothing could change that.
Lizzie woke up in a empty bed she went to go find her. She was sitting on the roof watching the sunset "hey, what are you doing all the way up here."
Hope shrugged "I wanted to let you sleep." Lizzie sat right next to Hope "I was worried you didn't like it." Hope playfully hits Lizzie's arm
"Don't be stupid it was better then I could ever imagined I just want to watch the sunset."
"We are really being dumb right now aren't we?" Hope looks at her with a raised eyebrow
"However do you mean?"
"We are happy and enjoying this time together something or someone is gonna mess that up." Hope takes Lizzie's hand and kisses it "you and me are gonna be fine ok if someone tries to mess that up I will mess them up got?" Lizzie nodded and laid her head down on Hope's shoulder.
"I knew I can count on you." Teasing Hope that made her giggle.
"I'll always be the tribrid and you always be the heretic but to each other we are one another's solace and peace I find comfort in that." Lizzie smiled they both held hands watching the sunset.

The end❤️

Wanted:Hope Mikaelson and Lizzie SaltzmenWhere stories live. Discover now