A vistior

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Lizzie woke up in a dark, abandoned place her neck was beaming meant only one thing her neck was snapped. "Great how many times I swear." She stood up but fell to the wall she couldn't keep her balance and tried to reach for something but she didn't make it and fell back on the ground "What the actual hell?" She saw nothing she could siphon from but new a little spell that will give her light. She winced in pain over something she didn't notice till now it a cut wound on her leg it was purple around it she never saw a cut wound like that before this is what is making tremble. She heard heels walking in "Hello luv no time no see." Lizzie scowled "Aurora." She walked in with a nice short dress on and and black heels with her hair done. "I am sorry for the place I don't share my nice things with my nemesis." Lizzie let out a faint laugh "Nemesis is that what we are." Aurora was holding a strange emerald knife "I didn't know how good this knife was well till no it is devious and I love it." She started crackling "Ugh psycho." Aurora leaned down to her knees "Oh don't worry your death will be painless we just have to wait till Hope finds you and the fun can begin." Lizzie really wish vamping healing would kick in but it wasn't "Hope is gonna kick your ass and soon as this cut heals I will kick your ass even harder." Aurora giggled "Sorry that was really funny you? Kick my ass? I love it really darling but that cut isn't gonna heal anytime soon." Lizzie looked worried "That cut is gonna kill you by the end of the day so we should just have a good conversation." Lizzie showed her vamp face "You bitch and those Monarch bitches are gonna pay real hard." Aurora looked real confused and sat down." I do not know what you are talking about." Lizzie raised her eyebrow "The coup of Monarchs vampires?" She scrunched her face "I have no idea who those Mon chars or whatever I am my own person." Lizzie decided just to shut her mouth "So do you have a special boy in you life?" Lizzie rolled her eyes "Why will I tell you about my life?" Aurora looked around "Because you are gonna die anyway but fine I will share. You know I had a brother my sweet love Tristan oh how I loved him but then Hope's stupid parents killed him." Tears start to roll her cheeks but she quickly wiped them away Lizzie didn't know whether to feel bad for her or keep hating her which she still did. Lizzie could tell Tristan was her weak spot so she was going to do what she does best get under her skin. "Then Tristan must've been weak." Aurora looked up and not with a smile on her face "What did you say?" She said in a tense voice. "You heard me you survived but he didn't well that has to be because he couldn't save his own ass." Aurora stood up and threw the chair "Do not talk about my brother like that!" She was about to attack Lizzie but Hope jumped on top of her just in time and punched her "My aunt told me about Tristan and Lizzie was right he was weak." That made Aurora angry and kicked Hope off of her. Lizzie dragged herself out the way while they fought Hope used her lighting magic and struck Aurora she flew across the room. Then she got back up and used her vamp speed and they used combat Lizzie saw the knife laying around and she knew they were distracted so she tried to drag herself over there but she was in a lot of pain. Hope did a turn and kick her from the leg and had Aurora landed on her back but she just got back up "What are you waiting for?" Hope smiled "I thought I would give you the pleasure to think you were winning." Aurora laughed and continued to fight Lizzie finally reached the knife and decided to use all her strength to stand up and walked up to Aurora when Hope had her distracted Lizzie stabbed her in the back. She fell to the ground and Hope smiled at Lizzie but it faded away when she saw how weak Lizzie was "Are you ok?" Lizzie didn't answer but instead fell into Hope's arms Hope squeezed Lizzie and ran her finger through Lizzie's hair "It's okay I got you." A few minutes later Lizzie gain back conscious "What happen?" Hope looked at her with a warm smile "You passed out that cut is getting worse but my blood might be the cure." Lizzie looked at Hope weakly "You think or you know?" Hope didn't know how to answer "We can try it?" Lizzie nodded everything part of her body was in pain. Hope bit into her arm and fed it to Lizzie she waited for Lizzie to react and after a minute Hope helped Lizzie stands up she started jumping up and down "I am fine your blood is my everything." Lizzie hugged Hope tightly. Then she suddenly stopped "Wait what are we going to do with her?" She pointed at Aurora and Hope smiled "I did my go to sleeping spell and we should go before she wakes up." Lizzie had more questions but listened to Hope.

Wanted:Hope Mikaelson and Lizzie SaltzmenWhere stories live. Discover now