Formal problems

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"Welcome again everyone, I want to say thank you for all of your support it means the world to me." The crowd applause Lena once again Hope and Lizzie tries to get closer to stage but people were in the way. "How are we gonna get closer?" Lizzie was about to walk off but Hope grabbed her arm and pulled her back. "No lets wait it out." Lizzie pushed Hope's away "Why the hell would you do that for?" Hope didn't answer but paid close attention to Lena. Then told Lizzie to follow her Lizzie was getting tired always listening to Hope but she saved that for a another day so she for now she listened. They got away from the crowd and found a hallway. "We should find Bonnie first." Hope was trying open the first door she found but almost all of the doors was locked. "Hey bitch I am talking to you." Hope let out a obvious sigh and put a fake smile on and turned to Lizzie "I am trying find something okay? So we can use it against her." Lizzie sighs then help Hope open doors finally after feeling like they tried opening a million doors Hope finds a mysterious door at the end of the hall she slowly approached it then opened it she was shocked it was the only door unlocked. It was a nice and fancy office type room it had nothing out of the ordinary but Hope knew something was off. While she was looking around Lizzie popped in which made Hope jump. "Lizzie!" She tried whispering but the frustration she had with Lizzie made it hard. "What?" Hope breathed in and out to keep her cool but she wasn't happy with Lizzie for more reasons then she can count. "Lizzie keep it down there are literal vampires out there so since you alway wanted to be here shut it." Hope didn't think about what she said but Lizzie knew what it meant which made her furious. She shut the door and spelled it to lock them inside. "Why did you do that?" Lizzie poured herself a glass of bourbon that was on the desk "You don't want no one to know we are here right well there you go since I always have to come with you let me do something useful." She already emptied that glass and got herself another after another till she was little bit drunk. Hope didn't noticed from how angry she was with her and she was focused on finding something. Lizzie started to stumble and knock things over Hope jumped up "What the hell is wrong with you?" Lizzie started to giggled then pointed at the almost empty glass bottle. Hope sighs out of frustration then takes Lizzie and lays her down on the couch. "Why would you do this?" Hope said to herself not expecting Lizzie to listen "Because I want you to feel guilty for breaking up with me." That was all Lizzie could let out till she turned over and dozed off Hope just sat there watching her thinking about what she said. "I do feel guilty more than you know."
After Hope snaps out of it she continues looking for something suddenly she noticed something in the little closet that had only Lena's purses in. It was a little treasure chest with a lock on it Hope breaks the lock and slowly opens it. There was vials of blood in it Hope already knew it was hers she was angry.
She took one of Lena's bags and put all the vials in it and woke up Lizzie. Unfortunately Lizzie was out of it Hope kept shaking her "Lizzie wake the hell up." Lizzie opened her eyes but wasn't fully awake by that time people started banging on the door. "Open up now!"
Hope grunts then helps Lizzie up "Stay right here." Hope unlocks the door and vampires came busting in Hope just smiled "Bring it on."
The vampires came after but Hope took them on but all of a sudden they started to scream grabbing their heads and falling to the ground. Bonnie was standing in the door way "Are you coming or not." Hope nods and grabs Lizzie and leave they got out of there without Lena catching them but Hope was mad she didn't get to fight Lena that was something she wanted to do all day. They got back to the bed and breakfast and Hope laid down Lizzie then got out of her formal attire and put on a old t-shirt and sweats then went on the balcony to look at the stars. Bonnie came out quietly and sat next to Hope "How are you after tonight?" Hope shakes her head "No words." Bonnie does a faint giggle "How did Lizzie get drunk?" Hope shrugs "Because of me, I mess everything up." Bonnie puts her hand on Hope's shoulder "I know about you and Lizzie." Hope looks at Bonnie in surprise "I don't know what you are talking about." Bonnie giggles "My question really is why aren't you together yet?"

Wanted:Hope Mikaelson and Lizzie SaltzmenWhere stories live. Discover now