Go big or go home

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They were walking around the room trying to figure out a plan to get Josie back but all they could do was bicker at each other.
"Maybe of you tell me more about where you were at maybe I can help a little more." Lizzie screamed into a pillow in frustration
"I already told you that it was blank it was just me and Josie in complete blackness." They both groaned
"We are never gonna find Josie yelling at each other." Hope stands up looking in the mirror.
"You think, I still don't understand why can't we use my blood to track her." Hope ran her hands through her hair "Because it would be no use if it was witches that took her they would of already block the location spell." Lizzie groaned and plumbed her back in the bed leaving her to face the ceiling "Life was so much easier when we were fighting malivore monsters." Hope looked at her with insanity
"I have a idea." Lizzie rose up "What?"
"We need to get Clarke on the phone." Hope grabbed the motel phone
"Wait why?" Lizzie stands up and grabs the phone out of her hand.
Hope was sulking "Clarke has artifacts that will help us and with the monarchs or Lena."
Lizzie raised both of her eyebrows "Why would he have whatever you said?"
Hope took the phone out of Lizzie's hand "When Clarke worked at triad they had a lot of artifacts."
Lizzie sighed then sat down Hope dialed Clarke's number and was hesitating knowing that things didn't end off the right note with then.
The phone kept ringing no answer. "Why isn't he answering?" Lizzie was getting bored
Hope hung up the phone and sat right next to Lizzie.
"I my humanity was off I visited him and things didn't end on a good note." Lizzie put her arm around Hope "You were pretty annoying at that time." Hope glared at her
"Not helping." Lizzie slowly took her arm away
"Sorry, I am just trying to take my mind off what they are doing to Josie." Hope took Lizzie's hand "I won't let them hurt her."
Lizzie gulped looking at Hope's hands on her.
"How can you do that when we have no way of tracking them." Hope has a puzzling look on her face. "I am gonna turn myself in exchange for Josie." Lizzie gasped "What?"
Hope grabbed her gently to calm her "They want me so one of my closes friends they know I will save her." Lizzie softly took Hope's hands off her and walked to a bad. "Then think of this as my thank you gift." She handed the little bag to she was surprised.
When Hope opened the bag she smiled "Why a outfit." Lizzie softly giggled "I bought that and me a outfit to look good in when we fight with the last of my money." Hope took the outfit out and went to the bathroom. Lizzie was impatiently waiting on the bed till Hope came out in a black jacket and shirt with black jeans the outfit went really well with her black boots.
"So how do I look." She did a boring spin but Lizzie let it pass. In fact Lizzie was in a daze of how beautiful Hope was but snapped out of it before she noticed.
"You don't look to bad." They both smiled
"We should go." Lizzie nodded and they left
Lizzie was in the driver's seat and Hope was up in her head.
"So about that...kiss?" Lizzie awkwardly making conversation
Hope opened her eyes real big like she didn't know what to say. "What?"
Lizzie looked at her unamused "In the museum when I was freaking out you well you know."
Hope didn't want look at her she was to embarrassed. "Um...I didn't know how to calm you down." She gave her a quick look then went back to staring out the window.
"We don't make have to make this awkward well I am not at least." Hope gulped trying to figure out what to say.
"I am telling the truth it was in the moment thing I wanted to calm you down." Lizzie nodded
"Ok, because we can never be together that is silly." Lizzie was a little upset saying that but never would have admit that.
"I know why would we that is totally weird plus on the other matter Landon." After she said that she was quiet and felt uncomfortable.
Lizzie took a deep breath for what she was gonna say next "and Josie." She stopped herself before she said anything but that was to late.
"What do you mean?" Hope looked at her
"Nothing." Hope scoffed Lizzie gave her a quick glance and tried to keep it together.
"We are here at this bar?" Lizzie groaned
Hope got out the car and so did Lizzie.
"How do you know they are gonna be here?"
Hope stopped walking "I told them to meet me here."

Wanted:Hope Mikaelson and Lizzie SaltzmenWhere stories live. Discover now