Real talk

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Hope sighs to Bonnie's question wondering what it would take to get out of this conversation. Bonnie waited for her to speak so it was a awkward staring going on.
"I am patient." Bonnie had a smirk on her face which made Hope even more anxious and frustrated. "I told her we can't be together." Bonnie got more comfortable in her seat like she was more interested. "Sometimes its good to get it out I won't judge." Hope rolled her eyes and decided to go on "Theres not much to say I didn't want to lose another person that I care about and Lizzie I just can't go through that again." Bonnie nodded like she understood "Thats nice sad but nice you let go of someone you love so you wouldn't lose them but that is the thing we all lose someone at some point in life. Would it be nice if you were close and have your happy memories with that person then none at all?" Hope thought about it for a minute she went to a place where she was happy with the people she loved her mom, dad, Landon, even Alaric. "Your right you should have happy memories with the people you love but those memories turn into bad dreams and it haunts wherever you go." Bonnie shakes her head "Only if you let it, I was in love when I was younger he was the best thing that could ever happen to me. His name was Enzo the British vampire the handsomest man to me ever when I finally found my happy place it was with him but Stefan Salvatore killed him when his humanity was off I felt dead I felt like I was empty I couldn't love again or even think about loving another it was hard for me to move on but I did it took time but I knew Enzo wanted me to be happy and that was a little peace for me." Hope noticed a tear from Bonnie's eye but she wiped it off. Hope was about to go back inside but looks back to Bonnie "I am sorry about Enzo but if I lose one more person I don't think anyone can save me again." She went lay down but realized there is only two beds one for bonnie and the other well there was no choice. She laid down next to Lizzie but turned her back away from her and a little bit later she fell asleep.
Hope slowly opened her eyes to the sunlight which was nice for her. But then she found her arm around Lizzie and her arm on top of Hopes it freaked Hope out and sneakily get her arm out of Lizzie's grip. Once she did that she let out a sigh of relief and suddenly wants to take a shower to clear her thoughts. "I am going to the little bakery downtown want anything!" Bonnie screamed to Hope "No thanks." While Hope was washing her hair she could hear Bonnie and Lizzie bickering which she told herself that isn't her problem. Hope was rushed out the shower by Lizzie demanding for her to come out there which made Hope didn't want to but she had to. Her hair was still wet but with a all black outfit she came out and Lizzie was in a daze when she saw her but she snapped out of it before Hope noticed. "What the hell happened last night?" Lizzie crossed her arms at Hope mad but Hope didn't pay attention to it. "You got drunk and basically that ruined the night." Lizzie scoffed "Why would I get drunk especially on the night we were about to catch my dad's killer." Hope shrugged "You don't remember anything from that night?" Lizzie looks away ashamed "No."
hope sighed "Story short you hate me and everything is my fault." Lizzie defiantly felt guilt rising up inside her "So that is why I drank?" Hope nodded even though Hope agreed Lizzie didn't believe her she didn't hate Hope she just was angry for pushing her away. "No, I don't hate you even though I want to and I try but whatever happened or happens I can't hate you." She looks Hope in the eyes who was shocked by what she said. "Really?" Lizzie nodded she stands up ready to confess "I know I agreed to having space and that was because I was in a bad place but now why are you still acting?" Hope knew she couldn't escape this conversation one way or other. "What do you mean acting?" Lizzie locks the door "We are staying in this room with no one entering or exiting till we have this talk. Why won't you stop ignoring me and tell me you love me?" Hope gulped "Because I don't love you." Lizzie nodded smiling "Thats the thing I don't believe you so talk or I can stay here all day." Hope was about to go out to the balcony but Lizzie used her powers to shut the door and lock it too. "Like I said we are going nowhere."

Wanted:Hope Mikaelson and Lizzie SaltzmenWhere stories live. Discover now