Panda promise

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Vincent came back with a cup of hot tea for Hope who was looking around at all the books. "Here you go come sit and we can talk some more." Hope smiled and took the cup and sat down. "What more do you want me to say?" Vincent shrugged "Are you gonna tell me who this person you are in love with?" Hope felt anxiety when he said that "Seriously." She mumbled to herself "What was that?" Hope sat up and took a long sip of her tea "Like I said I don't know if I am in love with this person I just said I have some complicated feelings." Vincent laughed "You know how to convince yourself things that is a talent of yours but no matter what love is gonna follow you till you realize it and own it." Hope crossed her arms and tried to sink those words in.
When Josie hot back in the room after the Hope situation she went straight to the bathroom and was in there for hours now Lizzie was getting worried. She couldn't sleep because there was a tension in the room that needed to be clear. "Josie get out I need to talk to you!" She kept banging till Josie opened the door "What!" Lizzie jumped back and scoffed "What is your problem?" Josie leaned her back against the wall. "I talked to Hope and I think I am changing as a person." Lizzie acted like she understood but she didn't "Go on."
Josie sat down on the bed and closed her eyes and took a deep breath "My feelings for Hope were wrong because I was jealous of you and I wanted want you have so in my mind I switched it up and made you the bad guy." Lizzie needed a minute to process and sat by Josie. "What are you saying?" Jose took her hand "I am saying I don't want to act like a victim anymore I want you to be truly happy by Hope's side." Lizzie could feel anxiety building up in her stomach and she yanked her hand from Josie's grip and stands up. "What the hell are you talking about?"
"I know you have feeling for hope." Lizzie started to breath heavily and kept shaking her head. "Its okay Lizzie I know maybe you don't want to be true but it is and Hope has feelings for you too." Lizzie was in denial she didn't know whether all of this was true and she needs to accept it or it was a illusion and something fake that won't last. "I...I have to go." She ran out the door and she kept on running till Josie didn't follow her anymore. Lizzie found herself outside on a gazebo it was a beautiful view a lake with the moonlight reflection on top Lizzie decided to stay there for a while. Lizzie couldn't get that talk out of her mind but her emotions did change she was more relaxed with the phrase "Out of sight out of mind." Playing over and over in her mind
"Hello." A soft voice which made Lizzie get mad and scared. Hope came up beside her and leaned on the rail Lizzie rolled her eyes. "This is peaceful." Lizzie tried to act like she wasn't bothered "What do you want?" Hope didn't let Lizzie's attitude bother her. "Lizzie I want to talk." Lizzie let out a obvious sigh "Why?" Hope didn't turn to face she kept looking at the stars. "Remember that kiss, I said I did it because I panicked but maybe I just wanted to lower my curiosity." Lizzie looked at her with her eyes widened Hope faced her and smiled. "I had space and time to move on and my family and Landon would want me to find happiness somewhere and I found it in you." Lizzie had tears in her eyes "I love you Hope I always have I just couldn't image it because well you know." Hope nodded and realized her hand was on top of Lizzies. "Truth it was this trip that made me realize I loved you for while to." They stayed looking at the stars for a while holding hands then Josie came out running. "Guys I am so sorry for ruining this but the monarch it here." Hope lets go of Lizzie's hand and crossed her arms. "How do they know we are here?" Josie shrugged "They are demanding for you two but Vincent is setting up a escape for us." Lizzie looks at Hope "What are we gonna do if that escape doesn't work?" Hope takes Lizzie's and Josie's hands "We are all in this together that means we have to fight." Lizzie scoffed "What?"
Hope squeezed their hands "I can't leave Vincent and all of those kids in there to defend themselves but I won't do it till you both agree." Lizzie looks at Josie for approval and she does the sam. "Fine but after they are all safe we need to quickly go home I would have felt terrible if we left all those kids alone to fight." Hope smiles again "Thank you Josie, thank you both we fight together and we will go home together." They all nodded "I miss this." Lizzie puts her pinky up and puts it in the middle "Panda promise." The others laugh and joined pinky's together all in unison "Panda promise."

Wanted:Hope Mikaelson and Lizzie SaltzmenWhere stories live. Discover now