Fight or walk away

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"Let her go right the hell now." Lizzie demanded
The man came closer to her Lizzie stand froze with fear "My name is John its nice to meet you." Lizzie tried to find the right words to come out then she took a deep breath and crossed her arms.
"Lets skip the niceties and get to telling me where Hope is." She raised her eyebrow
He just laughed "Feisty I like it so was she but that didn't get her anywhere." Lizzie was officially worried "No but she is"
He did a fake pouty face "Shes what a tribrid? Yea even the most powerful beings can be tamed don't forget that." She walked closer to him even though she could feel her heart sinking "Well I think you messed with the wrong person John."
He caressed her cheek with his finger but Lizzie "Who do you think you are messing with witch?" He asked
She grabbed his hand "I don't care." She siphoned from his arm and pushed him through the air with magic and he landed on his back groaning. She vamp speed behind which had him shook "Yea I am not just a witch." John was about to get up to attack but Lizzie kicked really hard then she kneeled down to him "I am gonna ask one more time where is Hope?" He vamp sped away which made Lizzie jump then he came back and push her hard leaving her to fly through the air on the ground. "I like you so if you stop playing around I'll take you to Hope." Lizzie got up from the ground "Why the hell should I believe you?" He laughed
"Because I am gentleman you are the one who attacked me first." Lizzie rolled her eyes
"That doesn't answer my question."
"You can believe me so you can come with me or walk away but without your friend." Lizzie took a minute to think about her options "Fine but any funny business I will end you."
The man laughed again took his hand out for her to take it but she walked right past him instead.
Hope woke up groaning "Where am I?" She looked around and a cage she was locked inside. Hope managed to get up but it hurt like hell she went to the cage door but even with her super strength nothing. She tried using magic but nothing a woman came out walking like she owned the place.
"Hello what a beauty you are." She had black wavy hair and heels she can walk in for days. She walked closer to the cage "I want to say its nice meeting you Hope but I would be lying."
"And who the hell are you?" Hope raised a eyebrow
"I am the boss of the Monarch and I have been wanting to get my hands on you." She smiled in a devilish way
Hope looked around to see if she could find anything to help her but there was nothing. "Let me guess because you are scared of the tribrid because she is Klaus's daughter."
The woman looked at me confused "Who told you that?"
"Um one of your henchmen."
The woman turned her smile into a straight face "Well you aren't here certainly because of your father its because of your mother."
Hope's heart sank and she could feel her stomach turn into knots "What are you talking about?"
"Oh this was when you were just born my mother was a werewolf in the french quarter all she wanted was to control her form and she wanted my uncles to share that fate as well and they had it but your selfish mother and Marcel were scared for the vampires in that town so my mom paid the price."
Hope was filled with anger and she could feel the magic boiling up inside of her then it went off like a bomb the cage broke and pieces fell everywhere even the woman.
"I don't know your name?" The woman laughed
"You want to know my name after all of this."
"Well you are going to die anyway so it is better to just tell me."
She sighed then gave in "Lena."
Hope tilt her head "mmm"
"What?" Hope crossed her arms "Nothing."
"You know I ain't just a wolf."
Hope didn't believe her but just stood there Lena stands up and walks closer to Hope. "So what are you?"
She smiled in a vengeance way and showed her hybrid face. Hope was stuttering trying to find a way to understand "How is this possible?"
Lena just laughed "See I sent one of my closest friends to watch over a couple of years ago apparently you got in a bunch of fights with monsters I didn't believe that part but I didn't care I got your blood and enough of it for the beginning and the after is that right?" Hope was officially furious and showed her tribrid eyes "You still will lose."
Lena looked her up and down "Lets see shall we." Hope smiled and took off her sweater and turned to her wolf form and so did Lena and they were at it.

If you made it this far into the story thank you I just started writing fanfics and other stories please comment if you like the story so far. Thank you!!

Wanted:Hope Mikaelson and Lizzie SaltzmenWhere stories live. Discover now