The Journey Begins

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[A/N: All characters in this story are 18 years or older and are within the guidelines Wattpad has given. Also, I chose to write this story because there's practically not enough Disney Princess Harem stories, all this has is a bunch of reverse gender Disney Princess stories and I plan on changing that, no disrespect though.]

So, you're out and about, going on a little walk in your hometown, enjoying the fresh outdoors. But then, you heard this ear-splitting scream coming from somewhere. You ran over to where the scream was coming from and saw a group of people at the bottom of a small hill and At the top of this hill was a set of train tracks.

You were curious of what these people were freaking out about, so you looked up and gasped when you saw someone standing on the train tracks, his head looking upwards. You're not sure exactly why, but you had to find out for yourself.

Without a 2nd thought, you climbed up the hill and ran towards the guy, hoping to talk to him before a train comes by. 

Y/N: "Hey! What do you think you're doing up here? You gotta get off these tracks or you'll get flattened like a pancake!"

Man: "That's what I'm hoping for."

Y/N: "What?!"

The man turned around to look at you, his eyes had tears in them, both eyes were red like he'd been crying for some time and you could tell he was giving up on life.

Man: "You heard me. Now leave me alone to die."

Y/N: "No way! You can't do that! Look, I don't know what drove you to this, but you can't just give up! What good'll that do for you and your family anyways?"

Man: (snaps) "My family left me! I ain't got no one to turn to, I ain't even got no friends to turn to either, I'm all alone! I don't even feel at home when I'm at my job! I can't take this life anymore, I just want it all to end right now, so go away!"

Y/N: "No! This isn't the way!"

Man: "Why do you care so much?!"

Y/N: "Because... Because there was a time I didn't help someone and they paid the price for it with their life! I felt like a failure and was practically on the same boat as you are! But, my parents talked me out of it and told me I can be better if I just try harder! Life is hard, I get it, but you can't just give up like that!"

Man: "And why not?"

Y/N: "Because life isn't about hitting it hard, it's about how hard you can GET hit and still have the strength to come back! Look at you, you've got two strong arms and legs, a fully-functioning brain AND a big heart, so use them as best you can. You're stronger than you think."

Your words rang through the guys ears and soon, he dropped to his knees, crying his eyes out and you steadily got down and patted him on the back for some comfort.

But then... you heard what sounded like chugging sounds... and distant loud horn coming closer.

Y/N: "Okay, let's get outta here, now!" 

Man: "Uh... right."

But as he's about to stand up, the wooden board underneath him gives away and his foot gets stuck between the tracks.

Man: "Oh no! I'm stuck!"

Y/N: "What?! Shit! I got you!" 

You grab the guy and try to pull out his foot, but the train tracks weren't letting him go and the train was drawing ever closer. The guy tried wiggling his foot, but to no avail. You keep trying while the train was getting closer and closer.

Eventually, you saw the train appearing in your line of sight, so you frantically yank on the guy's ankle and eventually freed him. But the train was getting closer and there was no time to run. There was only one choice left for you do.

Disney Princess Harem x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now