Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Part 1

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[A/N: Just to let you guys know, the main character will be traveling to different Disney Princess worlds in a very specific way that I'll show you once he's gotten with Snow White. Also when he travels from world to world, they won't all be from the near beginning, sometimes they'll be in the middle.]

The trail seemed to go on forever, but this gave Snow White and you a chance to get to know each other better.

Snow: "Say, Y/N, was it?" (you nod) "If you don't mind me asking... where did you come from and... how did you wind up over by the meadow somewhere and... (she checks your clothes) "Goodness, wherever did you get those wonderful clothes?"

Y/N: "What, these old things? Actually, these were a gift from my mom and dad before I... uh... left on my journey some time ago."

Snow: "Oh that's sweet. Do you ever miss them?"

Y/N: "Yeah, a lot. But at least I know they're perfectly safe at home. Still, I gotta ask, what happened to your parents?"

Snow: (looks down, sad) "Oh... well... It's... kind of a long story, but... well, my mother died shortly after I was born and my father died some time after he got remarried to my evil step mother, the queen, but he seemed perfectly heathly."

Y/N: "Ooh... sorry to hear that, Snow White. But, if I had to guess... I think your step mother might have killed your father. I'm not sure how, but she's the only one who could've killed him."

Snow: "You might be right. But I know my parents wouldn't want me to constantly suffer with nothing but hatred in my heart."

Y/N: "You're right. You're much too pure. And to answer your other questions, let's just say my home is in a place... far away from where you live, plus... I... (blushes) ...kinda passed out in the meadow because I walked all night last night and collapse."

Snow: "That must've been tiring. Maybe after we find some shelter, you can take it easy and I'll cook us up a nice, hot dinner."

Y/N: "Awww, Snow... if I could, I'd hug you right now."

Snow: (giggles) "I don't see why not." 

And then, the princess gave you the warmest hug ever. Your face turned 50 shades of red and felt like your heart was gonna explode. You hesitantly hugged her back before letting go and kept moving on.

Moments later, the animals showed you a nice little house in the clearing a hop, skip and a jump away from where you stood.

Moments later, the animals showed you a nice little house in the clearing a hop, skip and a jump away from where you stood

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Snow: "Oh, it's adorable! Just like a doll's house."

Y/N: "Maybe we can ask the people who live here if we can stay here for the time being. I'm sure they'd understand." (thinking to self) "I wonder how much money those diamonds and jewels cost altogether at the mines, they must be worth millions, if not billions!"

You, Snow White and her animal friends all head out to the little cottage to get a better look at the place.

Snow: "I like it here."

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