Sleeping Beauty Part 2

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[In your dreamscape]

There you stood, gazing up at the night sky, at the millions of stars up above in the vast, wide-open space. All while the strange flowers below you illuminate such a beautiful glow. You stood there, wondering about your current adventure and whether or not you should go through with your current plan with Princess Aurora.

Y/N: "What do I do? I've... I've always thought I had to show my true nature in order to win their hearts, but... now... I'm stumped. How am I supposed to win over Aurora if she's already engaged to be married... especially when she's been pre-engaged since birth? No matter how I try to go about doing it, I'll just wind up an enemy."

Yen Sid: *appears right next to you* "And you've studied how the story goes from beginning to end, I take it?"

Y/N: "Yeah... I've seen the whole scenario play out hundreds of times and... I'm not sure if I'm the right guy for Aurora."

Yen Sid: *chuckles* "Y/N... do you recall the times you changed the way things ended with Cinderella, Mufasa and Simba?"

Y/N: "Yeah, I... I asked the prince if he could talk to his dad about placing Cinderella's step family under arrest for abusing her over the years and as for what happened in the Pride Lands, I..."

And then... it clicked.

Y/N: "Wait... so, I can..."

Yen Sid: "Mhmm. So you finally realize it. Remember, it never hurts to explore other options and... just because something is pre-determined, doesn't mean it'll happen the way it originally did, so cheer up, stand tall and ready yourself, Y/N. You've a princess to save."

Y/N: *Nods, determined* "RIGHT!"

At that moment, the area around you fades out into black and you wake up, groaning from that nasty bump. You summon your keyblade and heal yourself a bit, removing your bump and the splitting headache you were suffering from right now.

Y/N: "Ow... Nice going, Y/N." *adjusting your eyes* "Ugh... how long have I been out and... what time is it--"

As you fully adjust your vision, you can see it's already past sunset, making you gasp and jolt up to your feet.

Y/N: "No! I'm too late! Aurora's probably asleep already. And more importantly, where's Prince--"

You stop the moment you hear hoofsteps approaching and what sounds like whistling, too.

Y/N: "He hasn't been captured. I'd better warn him!"

Shaking whatever lingering sleep you had on you, you rushed off in the direction of where you heard his whistling. It didn't take long to find the prince just a few meters away from the cottage, not knowing Maleficent had set up a trap inside.

Just as he climbs off his horse, you rushed over and tackle him away from the cottage as quick as a flash.

Phillip: *confused* "Ow! What the--" 

Y/N: *you cover his mouth* "Shhhh! *whispering* Listen... whatever you do, do NOT go inside that cottage!"

Phillip: *removes your hand, aloud* "Why not?"

Y/N: "Shhh! *whispering* Listen, I know this is gonna sound crazy, but if you go in there, you're walking right into a trap! If you know what's good for you, you'll stay from there!"

Disney Princess Harem x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now