The Enchanted Christmas (Finale)

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Loud organ music echoed the halls of the entire castle, causing the entire structure to rumble from its powerful symphony. The other servants, you, Belle and the Beast could feel it too, almost like a makeshift earthquake or something.

Chip: *worried* "What is it, mama? What's happening?

Fife: *glares* "Forte!"

The little piccolo then rushes off to the West Wing and you followed the little guy to where the sound was coming from.

Belle: "Y/N, where are you going?"

Y/N: "I'm gonna put a stop to that racket! I'm not about to let that pompous windbag bring down the house like this!"

Beast: "No! You get Belle to safety! I'll handle this."

Y/N: "Are you sure about this?"

Beast: "You've done more than your fair share around here... it's time to share the load. This is my castle and it's my job to defend it... even from one of my own servants!"

Y/N: *nods* "Alright. Good luck, sire."

He gives you a confident grin and rushes over to his room.

Y/N: "Alright, everyone! Take shelter! Belle, you too!"

As you're guiding the servants and Belle to safety, the maniacal composer keeps playing his thunderous melodies, causing the castle to crumble and slowly fall apart.

Forte: "Can you believe I never took a lesson?"

In no time, Fife arrived at the room first. 

Fife: "Maestro! STOP!" *he stops* "What do you think you're doing?"

Forte: "Don't you see, Fife? They CAN'T fall in love if they're dead."

Fife: *crossed* "I'll tell you what I see! A big, old windbag!" *laughs nervously*

Forte: *unfazed* "You could've joined me, Fife, *plays organ again* but I see my triumph is a solo act."

Fife winds up bumping against the music chest and as it opens up, the sheets come flying out and just as you predicted...

Fife: "My solo! It's blank! Y/N was right about you!"

Forte: "...Y/N? Who's this Y/N?"

Fife: "What, you didn't know? He's the new guest of the castle, he heard EVERYTHING you were planning and he foiled your plans!"

Forte: "Hmph! No matter! I can just as easily be rid of him as I can with the rest of the peasants!"

Beast: "FORTE!!!"

The massive animate pipe organ stops to see the prince standing before him, looking extremely crossed with his "handiwork."

Beast: "ENOUGH!" *growls*

Forte: *calm* "Heavens! Master." *angry, mocking* "YOU'RE NOT SINGING!"

And another loud tune is played, only this time, instead of just shaking the castle, he sends out a magic symphony strike that hits the beast in his face, knocking him back. Just then...

Y/N: "You've got some nerve to be striking your master like that, ya overgrown music fossil!"

Forte: "You! And you are?"

Y/N: "My name's Y/N." *to beast* "Sire, everyone's safe now. I've taken extra precautions to make sure no one'll get hurt."

You then help him back up to his feet.

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