Atlantis: The Lost Empire - (Part 1)

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We now find you exiting the portal and watch it close just as you look around find that you're in... a different timeline. Everyone around you is dressed similar to how you are and the cars that pass by... they're... much like the ones from the 1910s. You wondered just what year you were in until it hit you... literally.

A piece of newspaper lands at your face thanks to the wind and you pull it off to see the year. 1914. But still, you had to know...

Y/N: *to random passerby* "Excuse me, would you mind telling me what city I'm in?"

Man: "You're in Washington D.C, sir."

Y/N: "Right, of course. Thank you."

The man tips his top hat before heading on his way. You then look around to see what kind of world this is. The year and the city are familiar, but this world... it's on the tip of your tongue, but you just can't quite grasp what movie it's from... until...

???: "I'LL QUIT!!!"

You look over and find a man on the ground, calling out to some old car, which causes it to back up, revealing an older and slightly chubby man, definitely a rich snob. You recognized them both and Milo and his boss, Harcourt, instantly answering your one question.

 You recognized them both and Milo and his boss, Harcourt, instantly answering your one question

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Y/N: *thinks* "Aha! Now I know what world I'm in!"

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Y/N: *thinks* "Aha! Now I know what world I'm in!"

Milo: "I mean it, sir! If you refuse to fund my proposal..."

Harcourt: "You'll what? Flush your career down the toilet, *makes coo-coo face mockingly* just like your grandfather?"

Y/N: *thinks* "Low blow, you old fart."

Harcourt: "You have a lot of potential, Milo. Don't throw it all away chasing fairy tales."

Milo: "But I can prove Atlantis exists."

Harcourt: *reaches into coat pocket* "You want to go on an expedition? Here, *throws coin at him* take the trolly to the Potomac and jump in! Maybe the cold water will clear your head. Heinz!" *closes car curtain*

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