Beauty and the Beast (Finale)

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Some time later after everyone was returned to human and the spell finally broken, the Enchantress held an audience for everyone to punish one last individual. And tonight's main suspect... Gaston, the orchestrator of the attack on the castle and the prince. 

Enchantress: *to Gaston* "You have let your cold, dead heart decieve you and attempted to commit the most heinous atrocities that would be punishable by death! But for you, Gaston, we have come to a different conclusion for the ultimate punishment. But before I pass on this punishment, do you have anything to say?"

Gaston: *smug, yet agitated* "You think you've won this? You think you're all better than me? You think this is the end of Gaston, the greatest hunter in all of France?! Well, I got news for you, but Gaston does NOT return from his hunts empty-handed! And when I'm free, I'll have Belle for my wife and have that BEAST's head mounted on my wall, human or not!  And I'll hunt that brat down, too!"

He looks to you as he makes that last death threat, but you just sit there, unfazed by his empty threats, knowing full well... he just blew any sort of chance of lightening his punishment.

Enchantress: "I believe we've heard quite enough. Gaston, for the crimes of invading castle grounds, endangering the lives of others, murder and attempted murder in the 1st degree, as well as high treason to the crown, you will suffer an eternity losing all that you've accomplished over the years."

Adam: "Umm... Enchantress, just a quick question... you said Murder in the 1st degree, but none of us are dead."

Enchantress: "Have you forgotten? When Gaston attempted to kill you, Y/N took a knife for you and wound up dying for you. True, while he was resurrected just as you were transformed back, the murder charge is still valid since Y/N was the murder victim."

Y/N: *thinks* "I'm not sure if that works in the real world, but I won't fight her on this."

Enchantress: "Now... onto Gaston's punishment."

Gaston: "Hah! You can't hurt me!"

Enchantress: "Who said anything about physical pain?"

As her hands began glow, the enchantress enveloped the egotistical hunter in a magic veil and everyone watched as Gaston underwent the most satisfying transformation. 

His muscular physique... his towering height, his macho persona... they all began to evaporate and Gaston was unsure what was going on, but he can already tell he doesn't like it. He doesn't realize it until it's too late that his muscular body... was gone. And now, he was scrawny and skinny, his height was now the same as LeFou's and the look on his face... the sheer horror... it was so satisfying.


Enchantress: "You brought this upon yourself, Gaston. This will be your eternal suffering until the end of your days."

Gaston: *desperate* "PLEASE!!! I beg of you, put me back in my normal body!!! I can't be seen this way, I can never look myself in the mirror again and how will I ever get married?!?!?!"

Y/N: "That's the point. You can't and you won't. All your life, you only ever thought about yourself and tried to take another person's happiness without any sort of remorse. Your vanity is what costed your strong body and now you'll have to live with the consequences. So suck it up and get use to your new life."

With the reality finally settling in, everything around Gaston's life has come crashing down like a ton of bricks. With his entire life over, he let out one last scream of horror and defeat. Gaston's reign of terror is now over and has now become a weak little punching bag.

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