Cinderella (Finale)

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[A/N: I know you guys have a huge attachment to this story and I appreciate how much you guys enjoy it. The reason for my absence in Wattpad was because I had a story commission I had to finish for a friend of mine before September. Thankfully, I got it done just in time and I even got a chapter done for one of my other stories on this website after finding time

I'm gonna try and get more chapters out for my stories, but with my writer's block and my limited attention span going in different directions, it's gonna be a challenge. So I ask you all who enjoy my stories to please have patience with me.]

The trial of the Tremaine family was the talk of the whole kingdom and a very rocky journey for poor Anastasia. But luckily, you and Cinderella were there to keep her company. Some of the townsfolk still disliked her for what she did to Cinderella over the years, but there were a few people who showed a little leniency.

During her 90 days of community service, she would be helping out the townsfolk doing menial chores similar to Cinderella's. Like gardening, feeding livestock, cleaning chimneys, wiping windows and stuff like that, slowly re-building everyone's trust.

Some time during her community service, she met and fell in love with a nice man who happens to be a baker. Naturally, he was one of the few people who actually saw some good in her and by the time she completed her services, Anastasia moved out of the chateau and moved in with her new lover and bid you and Cinderella goodbye.

Lucifer was eventually chased out of the chateau by Bruno and the cat now wanders the streets alone as a street cat.

As for you and Cinderella... well, let's just say that during Anastasia's community service, the two of you united together in holy wedlock and Cinderella's father's fortune was now legally hers to inherit, or what was left of it, which surprisingly was still in the millions.

Luckily, since there was plenty of her inheritence left over, Cinderella decided to use some of it to repair parts of her father's old chateau while still keeping the place clean. True, she's free from the torment of her step-mother, she could never deny her responsibility to take care of her father's... or her own stately chateau.

Naturally, you gave her a helping hand in taking care of the farm animals, cleaning their pens, feeding them, all that stuff. Cinderella had never felt this happy since that magical night you two went and danced at the ball and won her heart.

And so, one night, after finishing the chores and having a nice, hot dinner, you and Cinderella were about to turn in for the night. You both enter the master bedroom and climb into bed.

Y/N: "Phew. Another successful hard day at work."

Cinderella: "Yup. Except now that I have you in my life, the work load just got a little lighter. And I also wanted to thank you."

Y/N: "Oh? For what?"

Cinderella: "For everything you've done for me. You gave me a shoulder to cry on when I was at my lowest, you danced with me at the ball, got justice for my father's murder and put away my evil step-mother and Drizella and lastly... you saved Anastasia."

Y/N: "Well... I felt kinda bad for her. In the end, she realized what she did was wrong and she chose to redeem herself. Now she's got herself a man to love her for her."

Cinderella: (takes your hand) "And I got myself a loving husband who truly loves me for me."

Y/N: (fingers intertwine with hers) "I'll always love you."

Cinderella: "And I'll always love you, too."

You and your lovely (2nd) wife stare straight into each other's eyes with warm smiles, too. You scooched over to Cinderella and wrapped one arm around her and planted a kiss on her soft, luscious lips. She happily returns it with a kiss of her own, cuddling you.

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