frustrated-courtney miller •smut gxg•

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Word Count: 919

courtney's pov

i was watching TV and suddenly i felt tf i was fine a second ago.

i hate life but now god i can't, thank god my girlfriend was home so i go to her office.

y/n's pov

i was editing the recent video for smosh and i have to edit one more for smosh pit. i honestly love my job but sometimes it's tiring.

i hear the door opening and courtney wraps her arms around my shoulders from the back and leans down and kisses my cheek and then my neck.

y/n- court not right now
courtney- just a quickie
y/n- we both know it's not gonna be a quickie maybe later babe

she puts her hand under my oversized shirt slowly going down and grabs my boob.

y/n- courtney i'm not kidding
courtney- please

she whisper-moans in my ear.

y/n- I can't i have to finish editing and send the video to ian so please just go
courtney- cmon

at this point i was annoyed

y/n- i said no courtney so fuck off for fuck sakes.

i kind of yell which i regret...she looks at me with sadness which then turned to annoyance. she rolls her eyes and leaves.

i didn't even bother this we'll be fixed when we fuck...toxic i know but what can i say it's a good solution.

-5 hours later-

finally done! i send the video to ian and get off my chair and stretch. aaah feels so good, i get out of the room and head to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.
courtney was watching "F.R.I.E.N.D.S" on the TV, i couldn't see her face but i know she's still mad.

y/n- what do you wanna eat?

no answer

i'm not expecting an answer so i see no reason to ask again

y/n- whatever i'll order mcdonalds

i order her favourite thing and i then put what i want.

i sit next to her and watch "F.R.I.E.N.D.S"

y/n- silent treatment huh? seriously couldn't be more immature courtney

she bites the inside of her lip...obviously she's annoyed and i made it worse.

-30 minutes later-

the food came and she didn't touch anything.

y/n- stay mad i don't care but i'm not letting you starve so eat


y/n- courtney for fuck sakes stop acting like god damn baby and eat. stay silent, be mad i don't care but god dammit eat

she grabs her food and stars eating. i sigh and continue eating.

-20 minutes later-

almost 6 hours of pure silence. i turn off the TV and the lights but courtney didn't move a muscle.

y/n- are you planning to sleep here?


y/n- ok that's it. i'm doing this only cause the silence is killing me

i pick her up bridal style and she wrapped her hands around my neck. i enter our bedroom and gently put her on our bed. i close the door and start undressing myself leaving me in my lace underwear.

i walk up to her and go on top and kiss her. surprisingly she kissed back, we made out for at least 2 minutes. she sat up and i straddled her, i move my hair to side and we were just touching each other.

i remove her t-shirt revealing her boobs.
fuck...i bite my lip and quickly put one one my mouth and squeezed the other one and switched.

she whimpered but refused to moan, she was biting her lip really hard. i push her down and go down on her, i kiss her inner thighs slowly getting closer to her covered pussy teasing her.

i slowly pull her underwear down and throw it somewhere in the room. she's really wet...she's dripping.

i sigh and bite my lip.

i quickly dived in and started eating here out. it was harder for her to not moan, i rub her clit and finger her while my mouth was still on her pussy.

she was whimpering and shaking still refusing to moan but i know she's at her breaking point. i moan and the vibrations felt amazing making her moan...finally

she arched her back and grabbed my hair pulling me closer to her pussy.
she moans my name and then came all over my face.

courtney- fuck
y/n- so now you talk

she glares at me and rolls her eyes. i kiss her and she flips as around so now she's on top.

she removes my underwear throwing it i don't know where...she licks her hand then rubs my pussy. i was really wet which made her smirk.

she puts her right leg over my left leg and starts grinding on me. fuck the feeling of her pussy on mine just made me lose it.

we were making out and touching each other. i couldn't stop moaning her name...she rubs my clit making me arch my back.

i moan and my legs were shaking, i was close.

y/n- courtney faster fuck i'm so close

i grab the sheets and bite my lip, we make eye contact and we both cum.

we moan and she crushes on top of me catching our breaths.

y/n- really sorry about before you know for yelling
courtney- same i shouldn't bother you when you're working

we smile at each other and kiss. we go under the covers and cuddle slowly falling asleep.

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