"what's in your mind?"- ross lynch •fluff/angst•

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Word Count:1036

y/n's pov

today i'm leaving for college, i packed my suitcase now i'm waiting for my best friend cause i'm having a farewell party at a bar.

my bedroom door swings open and my best friend runs up to me and hugs me.

coraline- why did you choose the farthest college
y/n- i swear i'll visit...weekends, thanksgiving, christmas, summer. just call me and i'll come

i hug her tighter and then we talk about the party.

-2 hours later-

she leaves and then i bump into ross, one of my roommates also my ex boyfriend.

ross- heard you're having a party at the rocknroll bar
y/n- yeah
ross- what college are you going to?
y/n- why are you asking?
ross- it's just a simple question don't have to be so bitchy y/n
y/n- oh i'm sorry...did i hurt you?

he sighs

ross- what's in your mind?
y/n- what do you mean?
ross- 1st you wanted me, then you played me, once i found another girl you made her hate me and then left me like i was nothing
y/n- excuse me?! i never played you, you played me! you dated one of my friends and it was her choice to hate you i didn't make her hate you Ross!
ross- whatever...thank god you're leaving

he chuckles, ouch...does he really want me leave that bad?

y/n- believe me you have no idea how happy i am that i'm leaving. far away from you and your bullshit

i push him so i can go to my bedroom but he grabs me and pins me on the wall.

y/n- let me go!

we make eye contact and without hesitation he kisses me. i kiss back and wrap my arms around his neck, he grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him.

he breaks the kiss and leaves. leaving me shocked, i stand there for a good 5 minutes trying to process what just happened.

ross's pov

i leave the apartment and sit on the staircase, i feel tears slowly filling my eyes. i grab my hair and punch the wall.

i hate her but at the same time i don't want her to leave. i wipe the tears and then leave the building.

-8:00 pm-

y/n's pov

i get ready for the party. i take a warm shower then straighten my hair and change.

i do a simple eyeliner, put on my black converse then go to the bar

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i do a simple eyeliner, put on my black converse then go to the bar. i see my best friend and i hug her, we take a few shots then start dancing to KISS, NIRVANA, GUNS AND ROSES, etc.

i take a few more shots and then i see more people coming in, i hug them and we continue dancing and singing.

-2:00 AM-

most of the people left, i sit on one of the chairs and play with the straw that was in my drink while my best friend was making out with the bartender.

i get up and tap on her shoulder.

y/n- i'm going
coraline- what why? it's not about ross...is it?
y/n- no i'm just tired plus my flight is in a few hours...i need to rest
coraline- fine...i'll see you at the airport yeah?

i nod and smile

y/n- i love you
coraline- i love you too

i hug her and then leave the bar.

he doesn't care, didn't even bother to come and say goodbye.

i was i my head too much i didn't notice him standing there talking with his friends.

ross- y/n!

i turn around

ross- how much did you drink?
y/n- not too much i'm fine anyways you came to say goodbye?
ross- i- ummm actually no i just needed a drink
y/n- right and for a second i thought you still cared about me...
ross- jesus not everything is about you y/n!
y/n- yeah i know that ross! did that kiss mean anything?
ross- what?! no it was a meaningless kiss y/n
y/n- fine
ross- tell me what do you want? you are so confusing...do you want me to say goodbye and show you that i care? do you want another meaningless kiss? tell me!

we stay silent for a few seconds

y/n- yes
ross- what?
y/n- i said yes

he looks up and pushes his hair back. he grabs my waist and kisses me, i place my hands on his cheeks and deepen the kiss. he breaks the kiss once again and leaves.

y/n- ross!

i go to the wall and crash on the pavement and hug my knees. i cry and look up at the sky, the stars were so bright and beautiful.

fuck...do i still love him? is it a mistake if i leave?

-back home-

i sit on the couch, it was dark and silent. the boys were still out. the front door opens and i see a tall figure... it's ross

i stop looking at him and look outside the big window, looking at the city that was full of lights.

the couch gets heavier

ross- please don't go

my heart drops

y/n- w-why?

i stutter

ross- i want you here y/n...don't leave me

y/n- i-i don't know ross

i stutter again

i hear him sniffle making me turn and look at him. it was dark but i could still see him cause of the moonlight.

y/n- ross-

it breaks me looking at him like this

i caress his cheek and he kisses my hand,i wipe the tear and i hug him. i don't wanna leave him but i can't lose this opportunity.

i grab his cheeks with both of my hands and kiss his forehead. i then kiss his lips and he instantly kissed me back, he grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him.

i push him on the couch and straddle him and continue passionately making out with him.

i stop and connect our foreheads.

y/n- come with me
ross- wherever you're going i'm going

i smile and kiss him again.

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