forbidden love- markiplier •smut•

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Word Count: 1126

y/n's pov

mark- you know we can't be together

i wrap my arms around his neck and our faces were inches apart

y/n- but i love you
mark- y/n i'm putting your reputation in danger! I'M PUTTING MYSELF INTO DANGER JUST CAUSE I'M SEEING YOU!

he grabs my arms and pushes me away from him, he was about to leave but i grab his wrist.

y/n- one last time...please?
mark- y/n no...we're done

he grabs my wrist and lets it go

y/n- mark please...

he leaves my house.

-next day-

i wake up and check my phone hoping mark sent me a message...nothing.

i sigh and go downstairs and see my mom making breakfast.

y/n- i thought you had business trip
mom- i do i'm leaving today

i grab a pancake and kiss her cheek.

mom- when i'm gone please don't do anything stupid
y/n- like a party?
mom- yeah
y/n- you know i don't do parties mom. sleepovers tho?
mom- sure

i smile and go upstairs to get ready for the day.

-at school-

i was in the hallway hoping i would see mark. did he not come?

the bell rings and i go to my class, i at my assigned seat and a teacher walks in.

sub- mr. fischbach is not coming today so i will be teaching the lesson today. my name is andrew johnson but you guys will call me mr. johnson he avoiding me?

-after class-

i decided to leave the school, didn't feel ok. i go back home and my mom's car wasn't here meaning she already left.

i go inside and watch some TV trying to forget about mark but i couldn't.

should i call him?

i have to somehow distract myself, i have to forget about him.

i grab my phone and dial a number.

daniel- what?
y/n- hey my mom left for a business trip...wanna come over?
daniel- i'll be there in 10

-1 hour later-

i dug my nails into his back and throw my head back. he thrusts deeper in me making me lose me senses, he kisses me and then we both cum, we both hit our climax then he just slowly thrusts then pulls out.

he throws the condom away then lies next to me.

daniel- fuck y/n...

he puts on his clothes and we go downstairs.

daniel- when are we doing this again princess?
y/n- i'll call you when i need you daddy

i open the front door and he grabs my waist and kisses me, i place my hand on his cheek and we make out.

daniel- see ya
y/n- bye

i wave goodbye and smile but it quickly fades once i see mark walking up to the house.

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