broken family- jacob elordi •angst•

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a/n: PLEASE READ!!! ok now that i have ur attention *hopefully* this story will be a 3 part story maybe more  so until i finish this i won't be posting other celebrities,youtubers, etc. until i'm finished with this one. yk so the parts of the story aren't scattered or whatever so jacob elordi fans you're welcome to the others i'm sorry :') anws enjoy! <33

Word Count:1015

-flashback, you're in highschool-

y/n's pov

it's my 19th birthday in 2 days and i am so excited!

i hear the front door closing and then my boyfriend enters my room.

jacob- hey babe
y/n- hey

he crawls up to me and cuddles up with me.

y/n- are you ok?
jacob- yeah just tired

i kiss his forehead making him smile.

jacob- what are you gonna do for your birthday?
y/n- oh that reminds parents want you to join us for my birthday dinner
jacob- who's gonna be there?
y/n- just my family and evan's family
jacob- seriously evan?

he groans

y/n- i know you don't really like him but he's my best friend

jacob is jealous of evan, evan is so close to me and not gonna lie he's pretty handsome.

also we tried dating lasted for 3 months then broke up.

after that we decided to just stay friends.

jacob- whatever

he gets off me

i hate it when he gets jealous.

he gets jealous so easily it sometimes annoys me.

y/n- jacob don't start this again
jacob- start what?i didn't say anything.

yet the tone of your voice says everything.

i roll my eyes

y/n- just come here

i open my arms

i know he wants to but acted like he didn't.

he rolls his eyes and crawls up to me.

jacob- doing this so i don't hurt your feelings
y/n- right ok..

i chuckle and run my fingers through his hair and just play with it.

-your birthday-

i get ready for my birthday dinner.

i put on my black dress and heels then do makeup and hair.

as i was doing my makeup dacre walks in so i get up to greet him.

jacob- happy birthday darling
y/n- thanks babe

i kiss him and he hands me gift.

i open the bag and grab the box inside, i open it and it's a locket necklace.

jacob- open it

i open it and it's a picture of us, we took this at the beach when jacob asked me to be his girlfriend.

y/n- i love it

i do an "aww" face and hug him.

jacob-here let me help you

he goes behind me and puts it on me.

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