walking in the rain- colby brock•fluff•

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Word Count:1033

y/l/n= your last name

y/n's pov

i walk out of the park and start walking back home, i can't believe my boyfriend cheated on me with my best friend...

the walk is 45 minutes, i put on my earbuds and play my favorite playlist.
i feel tears filling my eyes then flowing down my cheeks.

-10 minutes later-

i see lightning, i remove one of my earbuds and i hear thunder. no not now...i'm still far from home!

i start walking faster but it already started raining...HARD.

i put on my hood and start running then i see bright lights. i turn around and see a car, i continue running.

then the car pulls over...and the driver rolls down his window.

colby- yooo y/l/n get in
y/n- i'm ok colby
colby- you'll get sick,get in y/n. i am not gonna tell you again.

i enter his car and seat on the passengers seat.

y/n- what are you doing here this late?
colby- just left my girlfriend's house well ex girlfriend
y/n- damn what happened?
colby- i broke up with her, she was toxic
y/n- oh i'm sorry-
colby- anyways how are you and uuum derek?
y/n- we actually also broke up
colby- what the fuck? you guys were so in love what happened
y/n- he cheated on me...with lia
colby- isn't she your best friend?

i nod

colby- i'm sorry y/n you don't deserve that...you deserve the best princess

he looks at me and puts a strand of my wet hair behind my ear.

colby- fuck...
y/n- what?
colby- the rain it got harder it's dangerous for me to drive in this condition...
y/n- oh i'll just walk back home then
colby- no. you know i won't allow you y/n.

he sighs

colby- you can stay over my parents aren't home soo...
y/n- i don't know colby
colby- i swear i'm not trying anything

he chuckles

y/n- fine fine...i should call my dad then

he nods

-20 minutes later-

he parks his car in the garage and we enter, we go upstairs and we enter his bedroom.

he grabs a hoodie and sweatpants from his closet while i send a message to my dad saying i'm at friend's house... didn't tell who but i told him i'd be home tomorrow morning.

colby- here uum you hungry?
y/n- uuum sure i could eat something
colby- k uuum i'll be downstairs

he smiles, i nod smile back

y/n- oh thanks by the way
colby- no problem

he closes the door giving me some privacy, i remove my wet clothes and put on colby's hoodie and sweatpants.

smells just like him, i blush and my tummy was in a knot and i could feel butterflies in my stomach.

i grab my phone and earbuds along with my wet clothes and go downstairs.

colby was in the kitchen cooking

y/n- hey colby where should i put my wet clothes?
colby- uuum go down the hallway and the door on your right is the laundry room leave them there i will put them in when i'm done cooking
y/n- ok thanks

i go down the hall and enter the room on my right, i put my clothes on the washing machine and then go back to the kitchen.

y/n- what are you cooking?
colby- spaghetti and meatballs
y/n- smells good chef

we laugh

-1 hour later-

i decided to help him and now we're in the living room watching a movie.

i put my plate on the coffee table and i sit closer to him.

he grabs a blanket and puts it over us.

colby- so how are you?
y/n- i'm ok? why?

i chuckle

colby- i mean about the whole break up thing...how are you feeling?
y/n- oh uuum i honestly don't wanna talk about it i'm just nervous for monday when we go to school...
colby- don't worry you'll enter that school and you will hold your head up high...you will show him what he lost...a gorgeous, funny, confident girl

i feel my cheeks tingling so i chuckle to hide the fact that i'm blushing

y/n- whatever...i'll just ignore him or i-i don't know

i stutter

colby- or you could do that

we laugh

-45 mins into the movie-

colby's pov

i feel a wait on my shoulder, i see y/n has passed out. it's been a tired day for her, i pull her closer to me and she groans and cuddles up with me.

i wrap my arms around her while she rests her head on my chest.

-after the movie-

i slowly get up and pick y/n up bridal style and go upstairs to my bedroom.

i put her on my bed and put the blanket and comforter over her. i go downstairs and put y/n's clothes in the dryer then go back upstairs.

-next morning-

y/n's pov

i slowly open my eyes and come face to face with colby's chest. how did we end up like this?! not that i mind i mean he is pretty handsome.

i try getting up but colby had his arm around me.

y/n- colby

i say his name a couple of times

colby- huh?! what?!
y/n- sorry...
colby- it's ok uuum what's up?
y/n- i should get going so yeah also thank you
colby- yeah no problem

he smiles, fuck his morning voice is so hot.

colby- go get your clothes i'll drive you back home
y/n- no you've done enough go back to sleep i'll just walk back home
colby- shut the fuck up i'm driving you cmon

i sigh and groan

i grab my clothes from the laundry room and go to the garage, i enter his car and we put on our seatbelts.

-skip drive-

i remove my seatbelt

y/n- again thanks
colby- stop thanking me princess

we laugh

y/n- see you on monday
colby- yeah

i hug him and get out of his car.

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