sex with my ex- zayn malik •smut•

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Word Count: 1508

y/n's pov

i'm dreading having to go to this party. my friends forced me cause i "don't go out anymore" , like bitch...i just don't like seeing people is it that bad? also i know my ex zayn will be there and i don't wanna see that asshole.

i change

then put on my black heels, i already did my makeup and hair so i go downstairs and take a few shots of vodka

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then put on my black heels, i already did my makeup and hair so i go downstairs and take a few shots of know so i can relax.

i hate seeing people it just freaks me out.

my phone rings, i take one more shot before answering.

y/n- hello?
lydia- gurl are you ok? you sound sick
y/n- oh yeah! i just took a few shots of vodka
lydia- of course...anyways we're outside cmon!
y/n- ok shit i'm coming!

i hang up, turn off every light, grab whatever i need then leave the house.

i enter the car and say "hi" to everyone.

jackson- yall good?
lily- yeah
jackson- ight

he drives off to the party.

-at the party-

i was dancing with the girls, we were all tipsy not drunk yet. just when i thought i was a having a good time my ex walks through the door.

my face expression changes once i see him with...A GIRL!

lydia- oh shit-
y/n- what the fuck?!
lily- gurl chill...don't act out now

i leave the dance floor and go outside where all the drug addicts were.

i sit next to jaden and grab the blunt from his mouth.

jaden- what the fuck y/n-

his eyes land on zayn and the girl.

jaden- ooooh... you're jealous aren't you?
y/n- and you're high aren't you?
jaden- high as a kite baby

i pass the blunt back to him after taking enough puffs to make me high.

y/n- i'm going inside...
jaden- take care darling

i get up and kiss him

not gonna lie jaden might be weird sometimes but i wouldn't mind fucking him

jaden- what was that all about?
y/n- just a little thank you for the blunt

he laughs

jaden- maybe i should start giving you more blunts then

i bite my lip

y/n- maybe

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