are we over?- markiplier •angst•

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TW!!: SH (self harm), blade ,

Word Count:822

y/n's pov

y/n- mark i can't anymore this is toxic what we have...this

i point at him and me

y/n- this is toxic. we're toxic. we keep on fighting for the dumbest reasons
mark- we'll work on it
y/n- that's what we keep on saying and nothing...still the same
mark- so what the fuck do you want?
y/n- i want to break up

he stayed silent and i know he's fighting back tears

y/n- mark...

he ignores and grabs his keys and leaves my house. he slams the door and that's when i burst into tears, i know i shouldn't but i had to...

i go to the window and see him covering his mouth and looking around. that's when i hear him yell "fuck" and he went inside his car. he drives off and i crash on the floor crying.

was it wrong? we were so bad for eachother but fuck i love him.

i already miss him...i just wanted to feel his arms around me hugging me. making me feel safe...

-3 day after the break up-

it just got worse...i wonder how he's doing.

mark's pov

what the fuck am i supposed to do now...god dammit i miss her.

i finish another bottle of vodka and throw it to the side. ever since we broke i've been drinking and my place is just trashed. haven't changed or taken a shower, i just get up to go to the bathroom but other than that i don't do anything else.

didn't even eat...i can't stop thinking about her. 3 years together...never thought it would end.

i go to the bathroom to pee and then i see a box of razor blades that i use for shaving. i grab one and cut

it hurts but i'd rather feel this pain than the break up.

- a week since the break up-

i stopped not that i wanted to but i realized me cutting doesn't make me any better. i continued drinking though...i eat when i remember but i'm still shit.

i groan and yell fuck i'm going crazy...i wished you were here

y/n's pov

i get a call, it's ethan

y/n- hello?
ethan- god finally...are you ok?
y/n- y-yeah why
ethan- everybody is worried about you and mark none of you are answering your calls or messages what's up?
y/n- we broke up ethan
ethan- what?!
y/n- jesus-
ethan- why?!
y/n- it's complicated
ethan- yeah ok i see
y/n- how's mark?
ethan- i don't know he won't answer his calls, i went to his place yesterday no answer i'm worried
y/n- i-ummm oh god i gotta go see him sorry i gotta go bye
ethan- but-

i hung up and grab my car keys and drove off to mark's place...god please don't be dead.

-10 minutes later-

i run to his house and grab the spare key i had and open the door. god everything is broken, pillows on the floor. broken glass, i see a picture of us and pick it up. a tear falls and then remember...mark

i run upstairs and yell his name

mark's pov

y/n- MARK!

this better not be a dream...

y/n's pov

i enter his room and it was worse than the living room. empty vodka bottles everywhere pillows and blankets on the floor. dirty tissues and chip bags and a razor blade? oh please no

y/n- mark...

i run up to him and fall on my knees. i hug him and the familiar feeling of his big arms were around me, i felt safe again. we start crying and i hug him tighter. i massage the back of his head and connect our foreheads.

mark- this isn't a dream right?

i chuckle and shake my head "no"

he kisses me and fuck this is one of the best kisses we had. he wraps his arms around my waist bringing me closer to him.

i break the kiss and grab his arm, i lift up the heart shattered again.

y/n- mark...why

he quickly covers them by pulling the sleeve down

mark- i- i just saw them and i don't got you off my mind for a small amount of time but yeah...i'm sorry

he looks down and i lift his chin up and kiss him.

y/n- we'll be alright...i love you and i'm never letting you go again
mark- i love you too

i kiss him and smile

y/n- go take a warm shower and change into clean clothes and then we can clean up...yeah?

he nods and smiles

i help him get up and i wrap my arms around his neck. i get on my tippy toes and kiss his forehead then his lips.

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