comforting him- nate jacobs•fluff/angst•

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Word Count:837

y/n's pov

didn't go to school didn't feel like going, so i stayed home instead.

it's 11:00 AM, i get off of bed and get ready for the day.

i grab my phone and see 10 fucking missed calls by nate and a bunch of texts.


i check the texts, he's worried oh god... HE'S COMING OVER?!

i quickly call him no answer, i then see him parking. i run downstairs and open the door, nate comes in and slams the door close.

nate- where were you?! why aren't you answering any of my texts or calls y/n?

he pins me on the wall,

y/n- i decided to skip school and i woke up late

he punches the wall right next to me scaring me.

he was about to leave but i grab his wrist.

nate- let go y/n! can't believe i'm waisting my time...
y/n- nate cmon i don't wanna leave it like this...this another problem that I will have to solve
nate- fuck off y/n...
y/n- you don't scare me nate...

he grabs my wrist and looks at me deeply in my eyes, his grip getting tighter.

y/n- n-nate stop it hurts

his grip became tighter making me scream in pain, he let's me go making me fall on the floor.

nate- don't call me...leave me the fuck alone

i sit there rubbing my wrist fighting tears.

-2 hours later-

i'm not gonna leave this like

i wrapped my arm with gauze and now i'm heading to nate's place.

i knock on the door and he opens the door.

nate- what the fuck are you doing here?
y/n- can i come in?
nate- no...leave!
y/n- nate i wanna talk...i'm not leaving till we talk

he sighs and let's me in, we go upstairs to his bedroom. he locks the door and starts undressing.

y/n- what the fuck are you doing?
nate- you said you wanted to talk...
y/n- asshole i actually meant talk...i don't wanna fuck you

he rolls his eyes

nate- talk then
y/n- nate come here...

he sits next to me

y/n- look i'm sorry for not saying anything and for not replying but why the fuck did you freak out?! i didn't get kidnapped
nate- i got worried ok...
y/n- yeah ok you got worried but you don't go full on psycho and fucking hurt me!

i say showing my wrist

nate- i'm sorry
y/n- nate i don't care about your doesn't change shit
nate- y/n please i'm sorry...i didn't mean to i lost control-

i cut him off

y/n- yeah you did...again

i pull my turtleneck down and show him the marks he left after choking me.

he gets up and punches the wall, he locks himself in the bathroom and starts screaming.

i get up and start banging on the door.

y/n- nate! nate! open the fucking door nate!

i hear glass breaking i yell even louder and try breaking the door. it's useless

y/n- nate i swear to fucking god!

i kick the door and bang on it. he finally opens up and comes out, not a single scratch on him thank god.

nate- i'm terrible y/n...leave me alone
y/n- nate you have to stop pushing me away!

he walks to his bed and crashes on the floor and leans on the bed and starts crying.

y/n- nate...

it breaks me to see him like this yet again i'm happy that he's letting it out.

i sit next to him and open my arms and he crashes on me.

nate- y/n i'm sorry...i love you so much please forgive me i-i didn't mean to...hurt you
y/n- nate look at me...

i make him face me, i wipe the tears off his face.

y/n- it's ok...i love you too nate don't worry...i'm yours only yours

i connect our foreheads and i kiss him, i hug him and calm him down. i rub up and down the back of his head and my fingers were tangling up in his hair.

nate- i-i'm ok

he lifts his head back up

y/n- you sure?
nate- yeah...uuum let me take you out tonight?

he smiles

y/n- nate jacobs are you asking me out?
nate- what's your answer?
y/n- yes

we laugh and i straddle him, i push his hair back. he wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer to him, i wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him.

i place my hands and head on his chest and he places his chin on my head.

nate- i love you y/n
y/n- i love you too nate

he kisses my forehead and places his chin back on my head.


nate is honestly a fucked character but let's just say that he found the right person who brought out the best of him. also i think nate could turn into a good character like u can understand why he's like that *still tho he has no right to do the shit he did*...let's just hope s3 we will character development

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