"it all started with a dream" pt.2- ross lynch •fluff•

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Word Count: 586

y/n's pov

ross- i work 2 jobs in the morning i work at the coffee shop from 6:00 am- 3:00 pm and then here at the restaurant from 7:00 pm-10:00 pm
y/n- why though?
ross- saving money...i wanna be a musician me and my band are gonna be something i know it
y/n- sorry but how old are you exactly?
ross- 21

i nod

ross- anyways how bout you?
y/n- i umm

i chuckle

ross- what?
y/n- i don't really have any plans but the idea of renting my own apartment and doing art sounds great. i love photography, art
ross- so an artist? cute

we laugh and then check the time

y/n- aaah fuck i've been in the bathroom for way too long we better go back in
ross- yeah anyways here's my instagram and my number

he wrote it on a piece of paper, most boys just show you on their phone or grabs your phone and put their number by themselves but ross he went old school...kinda

ross- see you around m'lady

he winks and goes back in, the whole time i had butterflies. ok i'm convinced that dream was a sign, i was about to enter the restaurant but tristan came out.

tristan- bro where were you?
y/n- i ummm
tristan- are you...you know

he meant smoking weed, i used to smoke everyday

y/n- god no i just needed some fresh air
tristan- i don't believe you but anyways cmon

we go in and i awkwardly smile

dad- where were you?
y/n- sorry i just needed fresh air

-back home-

i crash on my bed and look for ross's instagram, oh there it is.

i stalk his account and wow he's actually talented.

-4 month later-

i became closer with ross and his bandmates. they recently released a song and people really like it.

i'm their photographer and i help them with the recording and shit.

-5 months later-

they just signed a record label and i honestly couldn't be more proud. i take a picture of them and then we go back to my place to celebrate.

i pop the champagne and we cheer, tristan walks out of his room and rubs his eyes.

tristan- what are we celebrating?
ross- we just signed a record label
tristan- holy shit you guys this is great!

-night time-

they all passed out, yeah we got drunk. i get up and sit on the couch, fuck my head hurts.

i feel the couch getting heavier and i see ross sitting next to me.

ross- you good m'lady?
y/n- yeah it's just a headache

he chuckles

ross- honestly we couldn't do this without you
y/n- please you guys are the people with talent i just take pictures
ross- babe you do so many stuff, the simplest things are so much! people know us cause of your amazing pictures and you help us record, and you do a bunch of shit that help us so you're as important as us maybe more

cheesy bitch

he comes closer and he caressed my cheek

ross- you're fucking gorgeous

he kisses me and i immediately kiss back, i straddle him and wrap my arms around his neck. it turns into a heated make out session, he picks me up and we go to my bedroom and well...you know what happens.

i can't believe this started cause of a dream.

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