wet dreams- colby brock •smut•

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Word Count:905

y/n's pov

he kisses my neck passionately as he slowly thrusts in me, he grabs my hands and locks them above my head.

colby- y/n~~
y/n- colby~~ fuck-

i flip us over and ride him fuck he feels so good in me. i arch my back and our chests connect...

y/n- colby~~

i wake up and realize it was just a dream.


i get up and get ready for the day.

i just put on a black tank top crop top and sweatpants.

i get out of my bedroom and i run down the hall and slap sam's ass and laugh.

sam- what the- Y/N!

he chases me downstairs

y/n- fuck yeah!
colby- yelling already y/n?

i didn't even see him

y/n- where did you come from?
colby- kitchen
y/n- uh huh...anyways

i jump on his back and he hold the back of my legs.

y/n- go back to the kitchen bitch!

he runs to the kitchen and i get off him.

y/n- why thank you kind sir
colby- why your welcome ma'am

i make a quick ice coffee and sit with sam and colby in the living room, we're gonna talk about our next ghost hunting location.

sam- how about another top 10 haunted hotel?
colby- that's good but we went to too many hotels
y/n- how about a house?
sam- that's good...which one?
y/n- i've heard about the bellaire house when i was a kid...it's fucking scary-
colby- oh that's good!
sam- ok...

he writes it down

-45 minutes later-

sam went out with kat leaving me and colby alone.

we were in our bedrooms, i decided to take a nap hoping colby would fuck me again.

colby's pov

i kept on hearing my name, i leave my bedroom and go to y/n's bedroom.

she's sleeping...OH-

she's dreaming about me...well i'm flattered.

she moans my name making me hard.

god damn y/n-

i go back to my bedroom and let her be.

-night time-

y/n's pov

sam decided to sleepover at kat's.

fuck i need colby so bad...

i pull my lacey underwear down and leave it around my left ankle.

i spread my legs open and slowly rub myself.

haven't done this in a long time...

i moan and add a finger in me

y/n- colby~~

colby doing things to me run around my mind

i open my eyes to make sure he doesn't walk in.

i moan louder and his name came out louder.

colby's pov

i need her...can't stand it.

i walk quickly to her bedroom and i hear her moaning, i open the door a little and see her fingering herself and arching her back as my name escape from her soft plump lips.

she just made it easier for me to fuck her.

y/n's pov

y/n- colby~~ fuck me~~ ahhh~~

i open my eyes to check again but this time colby was standing at the end of my bed.

i quickly stop and close my legs shut.

i look at him and his eyes were full of lust.

colby- don't stop princess...
y/n- c-colby...
colby- continue

i was so confused but i obey and spread my legs open again and finger myself.

i moan and colby's name slips out accidentally.

i feel his lips on my neck just like in my dreams. i moan his name and whimper.

colby- ok stop i can take it from here babe.

he pushes me on the bed and gets on his knees, i feel him kiss my pussy then he starts devouring me.

colby- you taste so good y/n

i moan and run my fingers through his hair.

he climbs back up and he doesn't break eye contact, he towers over me and kisses me.

his lips are so soft.

y/n- colby~~
colby- what is it princess?
y/n- fuck me.

he chuckles and he removes his clothes, i remove my crop top and he admires my boobs.

he sucks them and rams his dick into me making me scream his name.

i dig my nails into his back and throw my head back, he thrusts deeper into me and passionately makes out with me.

he grabs my hands and locks them above my head, he goes down to my neck and leaves hickeys all over my neck.

he goes faster making me moan louder.

colby- fuck y/n-

he flips us over and i ride him, i place my hands on his chest and kept eye contact.

y/n- mmmmmmhm~~ colby~~

i kiss him and slowly go down to his neck and also leave hickeys.

he moans and slaps my ass

colby- y/n~~

i kiss him and he grabs my ass and makes me bop up and down on his dick.

y/n- colby~~ i-i'm close

he thrusts upwards and goes deep in me.

i moan and grab his bicep, i kiss him and suck on his neck and then bite him making him moan.

he thrusts upwards one more time and we both cum.

i crash on his chest and we both catch our breaths.

colby- please tell me you're on the pill
y/n- don't worry i am

i chuckle and put a wet strand of his hair on the side and i peck his lips.

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