"what kind of a father are you?"- joseph quinn •fluff/angst•

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Word Count:1774

y/n's pov

i put gracie down for a nap and then go downstairs and see my son felix playing quietly with his legos.

y/n- hey buddy are you hungry?
felix- nope!

he looks at me and smiles

i nod and sit on the couch

felix- mommy when is daddy gonna come?
y/n- in a little bit sweetheart.

he smiles and continues playing

-30 minutes later-

i hear his car pulling up and parking on the driveway.

felix instantly lifts his head up

y/n- who is it buddy?

he giggles and gets up and runs to the front door.

joe opens the door and he's instantly greeted by felix.

felix- daddy!
joseph- oh...hello buddy

he picks him up and attacks him with kisses.

i walk up to him and smile

joseph- well hello there gorgeous

he smirks and kisses me

felix- mommy can i tell daddy about tomorrow?
y/n- go on sweetheart
joseph- what is it?
felix- tomorrow is my graduation!
joseph- graduation? already?! my boy is all grown up

he kisses his cheek

felix- we're gonna sing! and then we're gonna take a special paper!
y/n- it's his "diploma" the teachers are going all out for this

i laugh and joe does the same thing

joseph- i am so proud of you buddy!

felix smiles

-night time-

joseph's pov

i tuck felix in and read him a quick bedtime story.

felix- daddy promise me you'll be at my graduation

he says in a tired voice and yawns

joseph- i promise buddy
felix- pinky promise?

he lifts his pinky finger up, i lock our pinky fingers.

joseph- i promise

he smiles and slowly closes his eyes.

i kiss his forehead and quietly leave the room.

i go to mine and y/n's bedroom and take a quick shower in our bathroom.

y/n's pov

i was laying bed reading a book and joe comes out of the bathroom.

his wet hair was dripping everywhere and he had a towel wrapped around his waist.

joseph- like what you see darling?
y/n- i always do quinn

he chuckles

he puts on his briefs and climbs into bed with me.

y/n- hey babe
joseph- yeah?
y/n- please be at felix's graduation
joseph- i will
y/n- that's what you said about his christmas performance...and you didn't come
joseph- i was working!
y/n- look i don't wanna argue but please be there.don't disappoint felix again. it's gonna be just an hour so whatever you're doing just leave it and come to his school to see him.
joseph- i will...i promise

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