my hero- peter parker a.g •fluff/angst?? bxb•

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Word Count: 659

y/n's pov

i walk to the cafeteria and sit at an empty table. i take my lunch out and start eating, i put on my earbuds and play my favourite song.

i see peter walk in and he couldn't stop staring at her...gwen stacy. i wished it was me, i have a huge crush on peter but i don't think he's into guys.

he sits with me and smiles.

oh me and peter are best friends so of course i know he's spiderman.

peter- what's up man
y/n- eh
peter- you wanna go under the bridge to skate later?
y/n- don't you have to save people today? i mean shit happens everyday
peter- we'll be fine and if something happens your friendly neighborhood spiderman will save them

i chuckle and continue eating.

-after school-

i knock on peter's door and aunt may opens the door.

aunt may- hello y/n...peter is upstairs

i smile and go in

y/n- how are you?
aunt may- i'm ok sweetheart how about you?
y/n- same old nothing new

we laugh and peter comes down

peter- hey bro umm i'll be back for dinner
aunt may- y/n do you wanna join us for dinner?
y/n- sure no problem i mean i love your cooking so i would never say no

we laugh and we leave

aunt may- take care boys!
peter- love you

we skate to the bridge and start practicing. peter was doing some sick moves and with his powers he was even cooler.

peter- watch this

he does a kickflip on the air and lands on his skateboard with his hands.

y/n- sick handstand!

i high five him and he laughs.

peter- thanks dude

-night time-

we were at 7/11 and a dude comes in and pulls out a gun. he threatens the dude behind the counter and he takes all the money.

peter- ah fuck
y/n- i'll go after him go get ready

he nods and we split up.

i grab my skateboard and skate as fast as i can to the thief and i tackle him.

thief- fuck off kid!

I punch him and then...gunshot

peter's pov

i heard a heart dropped no no no! not again!

i see the dude running and y/n on the floor covering his wound...blood everywhere.

flashbacks come back from my uncles death...anger and guilt comes over me

no i'm not gonna let this happen again...i can't lose him

i catch up to the thief and catch him. i cover him in webs and he's stuck on wall. i go back to y/n and grab him.

y/n- peter...
peter- y/n hold on bro we'll make it

i try not to cry

y/n- if i don't...
peter- shut up don't finish that will be fine you're strong...I CAN'T LOSE ANOTHER PERSON I LOVE

i hold him tighter and finally got to the hospital. i run inside and ask for help the nurses take him to the operating room.

i leave and quickly change and run back inside. i wait in the waiting room fighting back tears, he's gonna be fine i know he will be.

-1 hour later-

a doctor comes out and i run to him.

peter- how is he?
doctor- he's fine... he's resting
peter- can i-
doctor- yes you can go visit him
peter- thank you

he smiles

i go to his room and sit next to him. I hold his hand and kiss his forehead.

y/n- peter
peter- hey

i smile and a tear falls

y/n- i'm fine don't worry
peter- i just can't stand the thought of l-losing you for the same reason i lost my uncle...not again

he smiles

peter- i love you bro
y/n- i love you too

y/n's pov

i wish we were more than friends.

not the best ending ik but it's cute...idk but ik most of you would like them to end up dating

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