Chapter 10 Shifting Times

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<Koleston North Gate>

Glory Schariac was at the north gate of Koleston, when a small wave of Honkai beasts showed up to attack the city. They were weak, so pitifully weak in Glory's eyes. The wave consisted of several Templar class beasts and many Chariot class beasts.

The ranking of Honkai beast goes as follows. At the top of the chain are Judgment Class Beasts which rarely form but are incredible power houses no single Valkyrie could match. It was a Judgment Class Beast that forced Kallen's father to sacrifice his own life to protect a young Kallen and Otto. Eleanor post transformation could also be considered a Judgment class beast, Otto and Kallen were only able to take her down because she had just formed. Under the Judgment class beast were the emperor class beast that only a select few could take head on. Only the top twenty Valkyries could fight an Emperor class beast one on one and come out on top. Behind the Emperor class beast stood the Templar and Knight class beast. After these two were the Chariot class beast. Honkai zombies were classified as fodder that every Valkyrie could easily dispatch, the zombies usually carried some sort of weapons to fight.

Glory's figure flashed in a deadly blossom of bullets and steel. She was venting, her anger couldn't be contained after she saw the sorry state of her daughter. Disfigured beyond recognition and trapped in a testing chamber, the fate of Eleanor Schariac was a cruel one. As Glory tore through the weak mobs before her, she recollected what she had been told in the lab.

<Memory Otto's Lab>

"Lady Schariac, we regret to inform you that we can't let you take your daughter's corpse." Vera said, relaying information like a lifeless android.

Vera had lost her spark and her eyes had long become cloudy and unfocused. Her surrogate brother had been forcibly taken by her surrogate sister. A sister who had now been branded as a traitor to the church of Shicksal and also tried to kill Vera. She didn't know how she was still functioning, Otto and Kallen gave her a home in Koleston. They saved her from war, poverty, and hunger and gave her a life filled with warmth, duty, and joy. She held both of them so dearly in her heart that when one was taken away and the other betrayed her, she felt as if her heart had been sundered in two and then burned in hellfire. There was an empty space within her chest that weighed her down considerably as she attended her empty duties. Her home had turned into a desolate and lonely tundra, that bore no warmth to her body. Of course she had friends that checked up on her but they couldn't fill the void within her. They couldn't compare to Kallen who couldn't compare to Otto.

"And why is that? She is my daughter. What happened to my daughter, I refuse to let her sit here as a test subject, no she needs to return home and be buried with her family."

Glory was extremely distraught, she had read of Eleanor's transformation in the letter sent by Shicksal but she didn't realize how Shicksal was treating her daughter's corpse. If it wasn't for the interest of the Schariac family Glory would have long gathered an army and gone to war with Shicksal. After all they tested on her daughter and turned her into a monster. After turning her into a hideous beast they killed her in the most painful way possible. There were bruises and injuries, perfectly preserved by the tube liquid, that Glory could see. Had they even tried to save her dear daughter? Turn her back? But what hurt Glory the most was the painful and sad expression Eleanor wore. An expression of pain and heartbreak which indicated that she suffered the worst trauma in her last moments of life. Glory and her husband had allowed Eleanor to stay in Koleston for her happiness. They had let her pursue love and hope of a man they both had reservations of. They had entrusted her happiness to a man of the worst house in all of Europe.

A mother's guilt and grief created an unbearable pressure in the room. Gravity, Glory's own emotions increased the gravity with the lab room. Richard had to exit respectfully while Vera stayed behind unperturbed.

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