Chapter 67 All Mine

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"Mister! Why are you a lazy bum?"

Otto was taken aback by Xiang Ya's question. Not even a week into their stay Kallen had assumed the role of protector and gone off to patrol the surrounding area for beasts. She was gone all day and against Otto's wishes, she made him stay home. He would be of no use against Honkai beasts she reasoned. During their time together they avoided fighting beasts and when needed, Kallen slew them. Even when they had a village to protect it was Kallen that fought the beasts off not Otto.

From Kallen's perspective, her words were reasonable and truthful but Otto knew better. He could help. He could fight. He could use his Mimicry just like he had in Vienna. Kallen could serve as the vanguard and Otto the back line. They would form a perfect team.

But amidst temptation and reflection, Otto realized that he was Kallen's last pillar. Justice that had always been at the forefront of her mind had become weak. She didn't berate him for cold-hearted murder. She didn't prioritize Lan's family plea. Of course, Kallen was still a hero but she no longer held her ideals so high in the sky.

What had changed? Was it the fact that he could no longer shield her away from reality? Was it the fact that she failed to save so many people? Kallen had her weaknesses, Otto knew this well. He supported her and did his best to stoke the fires of resolution and provide a safe place for her to rest. There were times she expressed her self-doubt and asked for help. In those times he responded by assuring her of her strength. Maybe that was the issue.

Kallen had finally realized she was too weak to change the world. He kept this fact from her. He tried to make every intent and action she made meaningfully. But how was that different from living a lie? Just like before. She was held up by his lies. Revealing his power and strength to support her would inadvertently crush her heart.

"Lazy?! I cook. I clean. There's not a moment where I rest or play." Otto playfully fired back as he fiddled with the scraps in his hands.

All the chores were done for the day and he singlehandedly refurbished the house. The garden was trimmed and weeded out properly. Overgrown vines and roots no longer ailed the house. The leaks in the roof were also fixed in a semi-professional manner. For an amateur whose knowledge came from local books, Otto had done a fine job on restoring the property.

"Those jobs are for old ladies and children. My brother is a fisherman. He goes out to sea and fights with the strongest of fish to bring home dinner. You're a gold-clad mercenary so you should fight with your girlfriend."

Xiang Ya's stubborn expression and disappointment forced Otto to laugh. He couldn't win an argument against her. Children could never be convinced that they were wrong. Is this what it felt like to have a daughter?

"You're right," Otto conceded. "But if I wasn't a lazy bum would you have someone to play with you?"

He presented a small toy to her. A small cart of some sort. It was completely wooden save for a spring mechanism in the center. Four wheels, two front and two back supported its light weight while the large pole that was connected to the spring stood up strong and tall. At the pole's tip, a string was attached. The same string was tied into a groove of one of the axles of the cart.

"Mister you made a boat with no sail. A cart with no floor."

Otto smiled patiently and winded up his contraption. In the future, it would be called a mouse trap car but for now, it was just a self-moving spring cart. The string was wrapped around the axle until the pole was parallel to the ground. Xiang Ya's eyes started to light up as she realized what was going to happen.

Otto released the cart down the hallway. For once Xiang Ya didn't chase after anything that caught her eye. She looked at the toy with a child's wonder and ran over to it after it stopped. She was a clever child and immediately winded up the toy again to watch it cart against the smooth wooden floor.

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