Chapter 13 Duality

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<Streets of Paris>

Frederick Kaslana was walking the streets of Paris minding his business until suddenly a man bopped him on the back of the head. Frederick turned his pale blue eyes towards the attacker, his short white hair was a bit ruffled.

"You've got some nerve."

"Whoa hey Fred I was just saying hello." A dirty blond man with a tall stature and light brown eyes said, raising his hand in surrender. His face was lit up with a grin that showed how happy he was to see Fredrick.

"Oh it's just you." Fred replied the anger on his face was abated as he turned away annoyed.

"Oh come on don't be like that Fred, come on greet your friend properly in the City of Love." The man caught up to Fred and quickly put his arm around Fred's shoulder.

"Love's the last thing I want to talk about especially with you Will."

"Aww did you get rejected Fred, don't worry about that aren't you used to it now, I mean this must be your, hm 34, .5.6.7 ah 38th rejection."

"It's actually the 36th." Fred coughed lightly.

"Good to know you've been keeping score." Will laughed.

"Don't mock Will, it just wasn't meant to be."

"Come on Fred, tell me what happened this time, what's the situation? You must be the only playboy in the world with no game."

"I have game and I'm not a playboy."

"Yeah, yeah that's what they all say, but quickly tell me the story."

Frederick Kaslana sighed, his best friend was rather difficult to deal with. It was his misfortune to run into him while he was on business.

"Well you see my uncle, "

"The old coot, what about him?"

"Will you let me tell my story?"
"Oh yes, yes go on I'm listening."

"Anyways, you know how he's obsessed with power?"

"Yep just like my father." Will replied. "But what does this have to do with your rejection?"

"It has everything to do with my rejection. Now shut up and let me speak or I won't tell you my story at all." Fred was getting annoyed.

"Oh fine." Will decided to shut up.

"So he sent me to help a poor noble family to feed the citizens under them. I supervised the establishment of a soup kitchen and along the way I met the daughter of the nobleman. She was charming I tell you and rather flirtatious, so I spent some time with her and found that I liked her. But when I decided to confess my uncle sent me a letter telling me to haul ass to Paris to attend to another matter."

"Fred, that's not even a rejection." Will said while facepalming.

"It's fate that rejected me, I tell you! Fate!"

"That's just bad timing Fred."

"Maybe, maybe." Fred replied unconvinced.

"So what brings you to Paris?"

"My uncle wants me to form healthy relations with the Fienre family."

"You mean the one that produced the seventh? The Lance of Paris?"

"Yes, that's the one, I think I'm supposed to help manage their territory and the territories of the nobles that follow them. You know the drill, Shicksal demands money and I have to make sure the common folk don't starve."

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