Chapter 44 Foolishness

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Kite's hands were clenched with resolve and the blood of reluctance flowed from her fingertips that scraped uni circular grooves into her palms. Under the cover of night, no person could detect her as she slicked her way through the coughing sickness of the camp. She honed in her senses on the little rotted house at the far end of the camp. Remnants of the village that once stood proud in the steppes. If she could free them she would but she was almost certain she had to kill them. The intel and communications group was made up of people she had come to trust. Friends that she made in this dark hell.

Kite peered through a hole in the roof, the sight of the situation caused her to nearly vomit. The Third took care of this interrogation personally and she didn't hold back. Three of the four were already dead, their corpses twisted and mangled beyond recognition. Parts were strewn all about the house and their essence stretched like Christmas lights, under the ceiling ledges, interlaced with the rails of the stairs.

The Third was on her last victim, she looked as impassive as ever. Her tall frame and calm demeanor were misplaced in the interrogation house. She took no joy from her actions but she didn't dislike them either. Nihilism was her philosophy and her cold, uncaring words were focused on the final victim. Untouched yet, scarred beyond the war. There was no therapy for what she had witnessed.

"Your passing will be quick and painless as long as you tell me what your friends refused to reveal. You may even get a grave."

The Third stood respectively still, she kept her distance, and her uniform was pristine and untarnished by her actions. The victim would rather have the Third act crazy or deranged but this was the same attitude that tore her friends apart. It was haunting and unnatural. Ravenous fear ate away at the victims' sanity.


"No, I won't-"

She wished to sound brave but her words came out as a weak whimper. Her mind was stretched thin, a little push, a little puff and she would break. The third sighed. In a rare showing of mercy, she flicked her wrist, severing the poor victim's head.

Kite felt sick to her stomach, her friends had given up nothing. To think she was coming to kill them. But she knew they would understand her actions. Everyone could be sacrificed in war. The Third slowly turned her head towards the ceiling. Kite's hairs stood up stiff with fear, she escaped before the Third could discover her presence.

<Glory's Tent>

Glory had a blade against her throat. Her revolvers rested on her desk and her scythe rested on the weapon rack by the entrance. She could call for help but that wouldn't help her. The Holy Maiden was truly a fool. But perhaps this was a part of the Holy Son's plan. But why would he put her at risk? If Glory was sure of one thing she was sure that the Holy Son valued Kallen's life above maybe even his own.

"Let's talk, Duchess."

Glory snorted, she raised her hands in surrender and Kallen retracted her glaive.

"Alright, let's talk. What do you want?"

"Your help."

"What for?"

"I've been to your city, I've seen the happiness of your people. The church has lost its way, we can overthrow the Apocalypse family and bring peace and order back to Europe."

Glory couldn't believe Kallen's foolish ideal. Her capabilities were insufficient to aid the Schariac family in their cause. Glory's anger threatened to erupt but she suppressed boiling lava. For Eleanor's sake, she had to remain calm.

"Your friend is part of the Apocalypse house, will he be tried too? Don't forget what you've done to my daughter or was she so insignificant that you couldn't afford her the slightest bit of mercy."

Kallen's eyes drooped a bit but she couldn't be discouraged.

"We wronged your daughter. But we can't bring her back no matter how much we wish to. Otto didn't take her death well. I can only say we're sorry."

"You can do more than that." Glory said. She could not hold back the venom in her voice. "Your intentions and ideals are foolish but if you truly wish to repent you'll hand your devil over and flee east."

Kallen's hands fastened on her weapon instinctively. Its long sleek shaft glistened in the flickering lamplight of the tent. Kallen's eyes became defiant but she still had to try for peace.

"He's no devil and what do you plan to do with him? Do you wish him dead? What can he do in your hands?"

"He could send my daughter's body back home. His violet-eyed guard promised he could return her body to her human form. Frankly, I could care less if he is able to restore her form as long as she comes home."

Kallen didn't know how to respond. She started to realize the foolishness in her hope. Humans were selfish creatures. Lady Schariac may have been a benevolent leader but she put her family's needs first. Kallen wasn't prepared to form an equal alliance, she was just a messenger. She hoped to establish some sort of contact between Otto and Glory. It was Otto's mind that would work out the details.

"He was always so suspicious. I gave him the benefit of the doubt when he saved Eleanor's life. But I should have known before he was the Holy Son he's the Devil of Koleston. Now the Devil has come destroying all life-saving medicine to watch our soldiers rot."

Kallen's own anger peaked. Her glaive shifted forward, her intent clear.

"Don't insult him. Don't place false titles over his head. You know nothing of his struggles. What he had to overcome. The scars that lace his body, the pain he still hides. He may have lost his path along the way. But Otto has always defended the weak in his own way. He's no devil, he's a hero, he's my Saint."

Their opposing views threatened to cause an eruption. A fight between two of the strongest Valkyries in Europe would change the very landscape of the camps. Glory prepared to defend herself and Kallen prepared to subdue her. Their hairs stood up like the tails of cats ready to fight. The air around them tensed and tangible pressure spread throughout the vicinity of Glory's tent.

"He plans to end this hellscape."

"By killing countless innocents."

Both of them needed to calm down, otherwise, their respective goals and plans would surely fail. There was nothing that could happen to raise the tension beyond the peak. Or that's what they thought. Glory's tent flap parted and a tall plain nun made her entrance.

"Duchess Schariac, I've come to make another report......"

<Rebel Caves>

Kite finally made her way back to base. She was dejected yet more determined than before to avenge her comrades. She walked past the crates of medicine they stole and stockpiled, past the many crates of explosives they planted at the edge of each tunnel. She could only believe in the Holy Son's plan, he was the last beacon of hope for the tattered rebellion. Under his leadership they could fight, her friends were just the first necessary sacrifices for justice and peace. In the dark torchlight, the Holy Son came into view, his actions were a little frantic and worried. He approached Kite when he saw her.

"Kite, did Kallen perhaps leave with you?"

"Huh, no. I thought she was supposed to be on standby. Oh, that fool, what is she planning now?"

Otto ran his hands through his hair, he calmed his breath down, and prepared to leave to find Kallen and bring her back. What was she planning? What trouble was she going to get into? But before Otto could take another step sounds of alarm and fear rang through the caves.

"You were followed!"

"What impossible, unless."

"Unless what?"

"Tch, now's not the time to talk, we have to escape."

"But the people-"

"Will understand, the Holy Maiden can't be captured, and neither can you."

At the mention of Kallen, Otto conceded to Kite's will. In the distant tunnels, soldiers marched and two Valkyries led the way. The Fourth was in no hurry but the Huntress pushed forward for her prey. She had picked up the scent of Kite and the Holy Son. 

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