Chapter 5

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Richard's voice became infinitely gentle and patient as he began to speak, letting his voice wind up through the branches. His body losing all its tenseness as he visibly tried to become less intimidating.

"Darling, remember when I told you about Maria? How I loved her and would never hurt her. And how she was the center of my world and how I would do anything to protect her? And remember how I said that all mates were like that well, this is your mate. And he's not going to hurt you or let anyone else hurt you. And I'm not either. And you can leave anytime you want."

At a low growl from Kaiden at his words Richard threw a glare over his shoulder, silencing the noise of displeasure from the thought of his mate leaving.

"So, when you want to, you can come down from the tree and meet your mate. But if you don't want to you can just wait and Kaiden will stay right here."

Suddenly Richards continuous gentle babbling was cut short as a body fell through the cool air landing softly against the ground a few feet in front of him. It was easy to see the rest of the tension leave the large warrior as he looked over the figure that stood before him. Kaiden had to fight back the need to push the man blocking his mate from him out of the way, it was a difficult battle.

"Hey darling. You okay?" Kaiden half wondered what the warrior was expecting from her, but was to consumed with the knowledge of her presence to give it much attention.

Whatever passed between the two however, was enough for Richard who slowly stepped to the side letting the Salvatori pack get their first glimpse of Aislinn. Turning so he could watch the Alpha-to-be, Richard watched as Kaiden took in the sight of his mate for the first time.

Standing in the moonlight he knew she was a sight to take in and he wasn't disappointed as the pack wolves took her in. At 5'6" she had a tall willowy body, her limbs were incredibly thin and delicate. Her thin frame was like a dancer's, with only a small chest and the barest hint of roundness at her hips, her legs were incredibly long and lean. However, stunning her physical appearance though it was the radiance that she exuded that captured you in. Even standing perfectly still she was graceful beyond measure, a level of regal elegance that seemed to surround her like a cloak that turned her boyish figure into the very essence of womanhood.

And the beyond her figure there was her coloring. Her skin was pale as the moon light. It was a wintery white free of any markings, clear and soft. Even after a summer of sun, she held not even the hint of a tan. And yet it was not a sickly look, not translucent, her complexion seemed to almost glow in the soft moonlight, an eartheral beauty that didn't seem to be meant for a mere human. A wave of straight pure silver hair hung to her waist. The natural color was absolutely unheard of and had caused quite the stir at the academy when she had first arrived. It was years before anyone believed that it wasn't dies or a wig. The thick silvery strands framed the hauntingly beautiful face. Sharp cutting high cheek bones accented a small delicate nose. Her lips were thin holding the only warmth on her, with their soft pink color. The dominating feature was without question was her eyes. Large and sharply shaped they were grey. A thick heavy and unquestionable grey that circled dark and piercing black irises. Thick lashes framed them starting black before slowly fading out until their unbelievable length ended in silver tips that matched her hair. Eyebrows of silver arched perfectly and delicately over both.

The small area was silent as they all took her in. Kaiden felt his mouth gape as he took in his mate for the first time. He was stunned. She was like nothing he had ever seen before. Nothing he had ever thought of before. He could admit that like a pig he had gone after a certain type of girl in the past. Big breasted, curves in all the right places, pouty lips, and tanned shapely legs. Yet this creature before him broke every thought he had ever had or thought about what he desired. Even at her height she was the shortest by far of the wolves gathered and her tight clothes did nothing to hide her extremely slim frame. And yet he had never seen someone so perfect. So utterly perfect and beautiful in his life. She called to him, every piece of her screamed at him. And it was physically painful for him to hold himself from burying himself in her hair, her body, her scent, her lips.

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