Chapter 14

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The next day the group set off just after 7 in the morning. Only grabbing a quick bite to eat before they were back on the road following the robotic GPS once again. The only difference from the hours spent driving the day before down the paved interstate was the presence of one an additional traveler amongst the dark interiors of the black SUVs.

It didn't take the guys long to realize that Olivia expected to travel with them. They were all hesitant Austin and Clay putting up the biggest fight as she was technically a rogue wolf now and still unknown to them. But even they were only able to put up minimal resistance against her before even they had to relent, begrudgingly admitting she really had nowhere else to go. The tears that had accompanied Olivia's pleas to not abandon her, weakening their arguments and making even the grizzled and hardened Richard grimace in uncomfortable pain. All of the men could only hold out a few seconds at the sight before they were all caving to give her whatever she wanted so long as she stopped sobbing.

That settled they had all bundled themselves up and made their way through the chilly October morning air to the vehicles. Austin had been regulated back to the second SUV when Olivia flat-out refused to be separated from Kaiden's mate, not wanting a repeat of the earlier episode he had only let out a few half-hearted grumbles at the command.

Olivia was still extremely nervous around the male wolves, their intimidating frames and thick muscles making her flinch away reminders of her weakness, their ability to dominate and hurt her. It was only Aislinn's presence that could keep her calm amongst their company. Physically she was healing if not healed. Her cuts and scrapes now just light soft pink lines. The deep bruises that littered her body fading steadily from blue and black, to greenish-yellows. Emotionally and mentally though she was still very much broken. Her trust in the world, her belief in the good of it was destroyed, her heart and mind broken with betrayal and pain. She latched onto the only thing that she could, the only thing that she could look at without distrust and disgust. Her buoy in the dark, the little she-wolf who had saved her from her very own pit of hell.

It was early afternoon now and they had been driving for hours. The only sounds the light snores of Richard from the backseat the occasional sniffle from where Olivia was curled up. It was then that they got the first glimpse into where they were headed.

"Shit man. Kaid, is she taking us to New York City?" Austin's stunned voiced filtered into Kaiden's head through the mind-link.

"Why would she take us here?" Blair joined in his voice a mix of curiosity and excitement.

"I have no idea. Aus man whose territory is out here?" Kaiden thought back at them.

"That would be Pack Spesso, they hold New York state and a bit of Jersey maybe even up the East coast a bit more, if I remember the border lines correctly. I don't think they care about the city though. You want me to call them?"

"Spesso, right. Alpha Elizabeth then. Yeah give her a call, let her know we are here but just passing through. It shouldn't be a problem, they're on good terms with my father."

With that the mind-link fell silent as they all fell into their own thoughts watching as they moved closer to the slowly growing sky-line.

They continued driving until they were right in the heart of the Big Apple. It was slow going with the traffic and crowded streets but to all of their collective relief they eventually made it to their destination by late afternoon.

No one could hide their surprise as they pulled in front of the lavish and extravagant building. But surprise easily gave way to excitement as they pulled up in front of the posh entrance. Jumping out of the car Austin let out a human roar as he threw his hands over his heads stretching loudly his bones and joints snapping from the effort. Blair was quick to jump out of the car too, running to the back to grab their few bags before handing them off to the bell boys and valets that met them. Olivia and Richard took their time extracting themselves from the back as they let their eyes wonder around them. Their increased senses slowly adjusting to the increased noise, scents and feel of the large city.

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