Chapter 19

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Kaiden let a low groan as his eyes groggily took in the room in the pale early pre-dawn light. He let out a bark of laughter at the low muffled groan from under the mountain of pillows and blankets on the bed.

Olivia had refused to be separated from Aislinn for even the night. Who for her part had only begrudgingly agreed to sharing the bed with the woman after she realized the only way to actually get her out of the room would have been to physically touch her. It was a good tactic on Liv's part Kaiden thought and had to give it to the she-wolf she was a persistent and a resilient little thing. Of course Aislinn had taken one look at her spread eagle on the king sized bed and immediately had begun building a wall of thick pillows down the center of it. Kaiden couldn't help the roaring laugh he had let out as he watched the outraged and grumpy faces Olivia had made as she watched as his little mate had built an actual literal wall to keep her away. Richard had poked his head in the room at the sounds. After taking in the sight he had let out a single snort of amusement before a sharp glare from Aislinn had him coughing and removing his head from the room.

Kaiden let out a chuckle as Olivia's groans began to grow to muffled grumbles as her attempts to go back to sleep were heavily impeded by the fact that not only had Aislinn turned on every light and opened the thick curtains in the room but left the bathroom door wide open so that the sounds of the shower were loud and clear. Kaiden had a suspicion that none of it was accidental either. It looked like his mate was implementing a battle plan of revenge against the other woman. He chuckled again.

Leaning his head back against the pillow he let his mind wander as he listened to the sound of the running water. The full repercussions of yesterday's revelations still had yet to fully sink in. Kaiden would need to speak to his father at some point. It was not a conversation he was looking forward to. If what Richard said was true and his father was somehow involved with the murder of Aislinn's family ... his blood boiled at just the thought ... he didn't know what he would do. But he had a suspicion he might just kill the man.

He heard the shower shut off, looking to the clock. He read the red display, 6:20am exactly 15 minutes since it had first turned on.

Aislinn exited the bathroom her hair still damp, dressed in a pair of semi-clean black skinnies, a black loose V-neck tee and her black Keds. She looked at the other two in the room. Her mate was still lying on his make-shift bed on the sofa but appeared awake enough, so she let him go and decided to ignore him for the time being. Her attention focused on the other wolf. The one now buried beneath an actual mountain of blankets and pillows on the bed.

She felt a brief flash of amusement mixed with exasperation as she considered the she-wolf. She didn't know what she had done to attract the woman, and she really didn't know how to get rid of her. Apart from physically pulling her from the bed last night which she was loath to do she had been at a loss. She had never met someone who she hadn't been able to scare off or ignore out of attempting to try and be near her. It was infuriating!

Well time for a bit of pay-back, Aislinn considered as she took in the soft sounds of sleep.

She moved to the end of the bed grabbing the bottom of the sheets and duvet. Hearing a low chuckle from the sofa caused a strange feeling to erupt in her belly. Not liking what she thought those feelings meant she pushed them away refusing to acknowledge them.

Although she was happy that her obvious plan met his approval.

Pulling with everything she had she whipped the pile from the curled and sleeping frame.

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