Chapter 39

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The room shrank around them. Everything seemed to slow down. She felt her old fears and memories of the past suddenly weaseling in on her as her words hung between them. Her breath caught in her throat as if she suddenly realized what she had done.

But then, blissful silence returned, quieting all of it. Every erratic and traitorous thought and fear was cut off as his lips crashed down on hers.

It was a kiss of hope and love. He took control, his mouth demanding and yet gentle. Passion and joy erupting between them, and this time she met him with an equal ferocity. She didn't even try to hold herself away from him, instead she surrendered to it. To the feelings he was creating in her and the ones he was dragging out of her.

His tongue traced along her bottom lip begging for entrance as his hands drew her into his body. Crushing her into himself as his hands tangled deep into her hair. Without hesitation she opened for him letting him thrust his tongue to explore, to taste. Again she met him with an openness and eagerness that rocked him. Her own arms reached up twining around his neck as she pushed onto toes. Pushing herself as close to him as she could. It wasn't enough though, she just couldn't get enough of him. She wanted to be closer, taste more. Feel more.

A whimper of frustration escaped her. Desperation and need growing in the pit of her stomach as he tipped her head further back. Towering over her he deepened their kiss even more. At the small sounds from her a bolt of arousal coursed through him hardening him to a painful level. Letting out an answering growl into her mouth as he swirled his tongue around hers, relishing the sweet addicting taste of her. He needed more of her. The desire to feel the softness of her skin against his own was almost overtaking him. He fought to hang onto his control. He had to remember that this was his mate. He had to go slow. Go at her speed.

Trailing gentle open mouthed kisses from her jaw to her neck. His teeth softly grazing her skin elicited a sweet little groan of pleasure from her that nearly undid him on the spot. His brain erupted in conflict. Her scent left her desire and need obvious to him, her body's reaction to him was obvious and evident but he had to consider her heart and mind as well. Pulling away from her tantalizing skin he looked down at her. Her breathing was harsh and erratic, her soft pink lips swollen and slightly parted as another whimper left them. Chuckling lowly at the sound he brushed his lips gently over her closed eyelids his hands moving to cup her face. Dipping his head further to brush his lips gently against hers. The touch had her moaning as her body arched into his. His own responded to the invitation, begging him to take her again. To plunder the soft cavern of her mouth, to take the sweetness that her soft body promised. Reigning in his desire he forced himself to ignore his hunger as well as hers. Instead pecking her gently on the nose.

"Kaiden?" Her voice was husky and shaky. Still holding a hint of the breathless encounter they had just shared, as she looked up at him with eyes clouded in desire.

It took a minute for him to respond lost in the ecstasy of hearing her say his name. "Yes?" He murmured out finally, his breath minty and warm as it washed over her face.

"I want you." She said without closing her eyes and leaning into him again, her face tilting up to his.

His body stiffened in response. Desire coursing through him at the words. His mind instantly conjuring images of her sweaty and soft under him as he made her his. Pushing them away he took a few deep breaths trying to get his raging libido under control. Brushing his lips against hers once more. He spoke softly yet firmly.

"You aren't ready." His thumb rubbing softly over her cheek. He smiled as her face instinctively shifted into his touch. Seeking out the source of comfort.

She had come so far. That he was here, touching her, holding her, speaking to her like this in such a short amount of time was beyond remarkable. But he also knew that she was still struggling and would most likely struggle with her past and her fears for the rest of her life. He would not take advantage of her. He never wanted to push her, or have her regret any step in their relationship. He had been prepared to wait years for her and that had not changed. Just because she was progressing quicker than he had thought possible did not mean he would exploit it or her.

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