Chapter 30

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Aislinn - 19 yrs (Mated to Kaiden)

Kaiden - 24 yrs (Mate to Aislinn)

Austin - 24 (Beta unmated)

Blair - 23 (Gamma unmated)

Clayton - 25 (Head Warrior unmated)

Richard - 58 yrs (Aislinn's Royal Guardian Mate passed away)

Olivia - 20 yrs (Lead Runner unmated)



"I hate you!"

"Clayton." Kaiden snapped irritated when he saw Aislinn's frown. They were currently trying to go over plans for the dinner tonight but were being repeatedly interrupted by Clay's outbursts. Not that Kaiden could really fault the man.

Ever since this morning when he had entered the kitchen where Kaiden, Aislinn and her newly rescued and adopted wolf Kio were eating breakfast it had become blatantly obvious that wolf and man would not be getting along.

Kio had taken one look at the large bulky warrior and lunged out of his mistress's arms before chomping down on his calf.

Kaiden still couldn't help the laugh that came to him when he remembered the scene. Of course Aislinn's horror had dampened his ability to fully enjoy Clay's look of pure repulsion, pain and animosity but still. The day had continued in a similar fashion, with the tiny fluffy wolf pup taking every opportunity it could to antagonize the man. And of course Clay was completely unable to retaliate which only added to fuel the entertainment factor for the rest of them.

The latest attack had come when Kio had woken from his nap in Aislinn's arms only to jump to the ground saunter over to where Clay sat at the boardroom table and proceeded to pee on his foot. Of course Aislinn thought it was completely innocent and adorable only acting to scoop the fur ball up and nuzzle him to her face. The rest saw it for what it was, a declaration of war, one that they all knew Clay would lose.

"Clay it's just a little pee, you won't die, it's all natural after all." Blair tried to get out with a straight face, completely failing as a fit of laughter broke loose before he could even finish.

Austin didn't even try to hold in his own as he literally rolled on the floor clutching his stomach. Richard stayed the most stoic although Kaiden was sure he saw the Guardian's lips twitch at the sight before him. Olivia was giggling even as she ran to grab cleaner and paper towels.

It was going to be a long day.



Aislinn held Kio against her chest. The wolf pup squirmed a little but eventually gave in and settled in her arms. She didn't know why she found him last night or how. She had just woken up and known that she had to go that something, someone was waiting for her, needed her. And then when she had crouched down moving the thick branches letting the soft light of the moon trickle in there he was. So small his body shaking in the cool damp air, his eyes closed as he curled in on himself. Weak and alone against the whole world she hadn't even hesitated before she was scooping him up his small yelps being soothed by her hands as she cradled him to her. His tiny teeth tickling her fingers causing her to let out a peel of light laughter as tears collected in her eyes. Leaning down she inhaled the wild scent of wolf as she pressed her lips to his small head. "You aren't alone anymore" She had whispered.

She knew the others were nervous for the upcoming dinner. The Alpha of the Silvia or as they now called themselves 'the Fraser pack' and some of his pack members were due in less than ten minutes. Kaiden and Richard hovered close to her both tense their bodies alert. She couldn't find it in herself to care. The only emotion she had towards these people was cold fury. She would see them dead either today or another it didn't really matter. She wasn't nervous, after 13 years she was to come face to face with the guilty, and she was the executioner. She just wanted to get on with it all.

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