Chapter 16

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"You don't know because 13 years ago every last one of them, or so it was believed" he said throwing a quick glance over his shoulder at Aislinn, who was obviously ignoring the lot of them focusing only on the page before her, "that every last one of them were killed."


Olivia let out a horrified gasp.

"Killed? By who? How is that possible if they had those guards or whatever?" Austin asked.

"Ill do the best to explain this, but I only know the vaguest details, for more you would need to ask Aislinn. Their history was well guarded. The Silverbloods were the first werewolves, I don't know how they came to be or from where and I don't know what happened to them before they came here. All I know is that in the 1700s they fled or were exiled from Europe to the new world. The King, Queen and his family along with their pack travelled to the New World and settled in the North. They flourished in the wilderness and anonymity. Soon their pack was large, too large to not attract notice from the flourishing human population of this world. The King decided to create the 8 packs. The wolves were divided and separated in the hope being that they would be able to create a sense of family, protection and peace for the now large population of wolves that a single pack could no longer offer. The idea was that the individual wolves of the 8 packs would owe their loyalty to each individual Alpha and then each Alpha would owe their loyalty to the Royal line and pack. It was to the Alpha King and the Luna Queen that they served and that they gained their power."

"The packs were created? That ridiculous! How would we not know this..."

Before his second could continue his rant Kaiden cut him off with a growl throwing a glare at Richard, signaling for him to continue.

"The Royals I am told were more than happy to hand over the tasks of the packs to the Alphas and the Council. Especially after the death of their beloved Queen. She had been killed only shortly after the packs had been established and her death hit the Royals hard, they were relieved to hand over the tasks of war, conflict and security as they mourned their loss. They retreated from the world, secluding themselves to the far reaches of the North after charging the Council with policing the wolves and the Alphas with protecting their people. For although they were the strongest blood in the werewolf world it is said they despised violence and fighting, they avoided conflict and shunned death and bloodshed at all costs. As the Ancestors of every Werewolf they were still the ultimate authority but they stepped back from that duty, their grief simply too much, the violence of our species too difficult to face anymore. Soon their existence became nothing but a myth. Alphas and the Elder Council still knew of them of course, since they were the only ones who saw them, but they liked the power they had been given and hated the reminder of the King and his pack in the North and so they removed the knowledge of the royals from the packs. Instead pretending that it was them and them alone that ruled the werewolf world."

Richard took a moment from his story to look at the others, his eyes heavy with his words.

"For over 100 years the oaths held. For one hundred years the Alphas and the Council lead and protected the Werewolves they were charged with. And for one hundred years they stayed loyal to their King. However with time, the oaths they swore, the blood promises they made and the knowledge of their fealty began to fade. In its place arose resentment, anger and hatred, fueled by greed and contempt. With the dawn of the new millennium the council began to move, they sought out the packs, the Alpha's and the Warriors. They built deceit and treachery until 13 years ago when they struck. 5 of the 8 packs turned on the crown and with the support of the Council they attacked their Royals. It was a slaughter."

"Lies!" Clayton roared. Kaiden had never heard his friend so angry before. "The packs would never turn against their own. You lie. No wolf, no Alpha would turn against those they swore to protect."

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